Chapter 66

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"I really have to tell Fin today," she said as she was pulling her new maternity pants up her hips. She had been trying to tell her sergeant for the last three days about her pregnancy, however it had been so busy at the precinct, that she hadn't had any chance to get him alone. And she really wanted him to know, before she told anyone else. Since Amanda was the only one who knew, she had taken the responsibility of keeping an eye on Olivia. She did so discreetly, checking in on her a couple times during the shift and asking her if she was 'good.' Olivia was actually really grateful for her female detective. Being a woman in the police field alone was hard enough to get people to take you seriously but being a pregnant woman was extremely difficult and it was helpful to have a woman next to her that had been through the same thing.

Elliot, who was sitting on the bed on hold with the home inspection office, looked up at her. Dan had reached back out to them with an asking price of still 1.3 million and after thinking about it, they had agreed as long as the owners paid for a full inspection of the building. "You'll get it done, Liv."

"I know but the sooner I tell him, the sooner I can tell the chief. Because I really need another detective, especially since I'm going to have to plant my ass at a desk."

"Your ass should already be planted at a desk, babe."

She groaned lowly, "I plant it at my desk as much as I can. And if you don't believe that by now, I'm seriously going to throw something at you."

The hand that wasn't holding the phone to his ear, raised in defense, "I believe you."

"Good. So, I may be late today. I'm gonna try to catch him as everyone is heading home."

"Okay, take all the time you need."

"And the other kids, El? We need to tell them also?"

"We can get everyone together on facetime this weekend. I wish we could tell them in person, but with everyone's schedules, that's probably not going to be plausible."

She nodded, "Okay, we can do that."

He gave her a smile, "I'm going to try to get this inspection done today. Sooner it's cleared, sooner we can close..."

"Sooner we can move in," she finished. Just the thought of moving when she was farther along was giving her a headache.

"Exactly. But you let me handle the moving stuff. You have enough to stress about at work, you don't need another thing to stress about."

She nodded and walked up to him to kiss him on the lips, "Okay. But just remember you said that I dictate it."

"Yes, you do."

"Captain, he's saying he'll only talk to you," Carisi said to her outside of the interrogation room.

Fin and Amanda had apprehended a suspect for the rape of three middle aged women and as soon as the man made eye contact with the Captain of the unit, he had refused to talk to anyone but her.

Part of her agreement with Elliot and Michelle, was that she was not going to interview suspects. Interviewing a suspect could turn ugly and an ugly situation was not something that she needed at that moment. So, she had done a good job avoiding suspects altogether. She would watch the interviews through the double way mirror and offer her detectives different tactics to try to get the information they needed from them. From the point she had found out she was pregnant, to that specific day, it had been working pretty well. But of course, with her luck, they would get a suspect who had a thing for middle aged women and therefore had a thing for her.

She had already tried to send Amanda in but Amanda was too young for his liking. And since Carisi did not know about her current situation yet, he was staring at her in confusion as of why she was not in the room yet.

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