Chapter 18

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Elliot was holding the phone out in front of them to capture a picture of their lips locking. The view behind them was beautiful. The top of the Eiffel Tower providing the perfect view of Paris. Noah and Eli had wondered a few feet off to take photos of the lit up scenery down below.

When their lips released, Olivia gave him the biggest smile. "You're breathtaking Mrs. Stabler." Elliot explained as he reached his hand to clasp her left one. Her hand raised to his lips, where he placed a gentle kiss on her newly ringed ring finger.

"Thank you Mr. Stabler."

As their lips leaned in to touch once more, there was a loud noise around them. She couldn't quite make out what the noise was but all she could see was Elliot growing farther away from her. She attempted to reach out to grab him but the noise seemed to draw him farther away.

Olivia's eyes opened with a loud groan when the noise grew louder. She was met with her phone screaming at her from her nightstand and the solid frame of Elliot Stabler completely underneath her. Sometime along the night, she maneuvered her way deeper in his embrace and had shifted her whole body pretty much on top of him. Her head was on the opposite side of his chest, her right arm was wrapped securely around his side and her right leg was swung along his waist. His right arm was positioned around her with his hand placed on her ass. She groaned once more and attempted to bury her face more into the ridges of his body. When her alarm got the next stage louder, he groaned as well.

"Liv, turn your alarm off." He added a little shake to her body with his arm.

She shook her head and held tighter to him, "No... good dream."

The chuckle that escaped him caused her body to shake again, "Come on babe, you have to get ready for work."

She moaned once more and twisted her body enough to grab her phone. She quickly turned the cursed sound off, threw her phone back on her nightstand and fell back onto his chest.

He laid a kiss on the top of her head, "What were you dreaming about?"

"Paris." She definitely was skipping over the Mrs. Stabler part. "The boys, you and I were in the Eiffel Tower."

"Sounds like a pleasant dream."

"You have no idea." She whispered. Being married to Elliot was something she hadn't put much thought into. They had barely moved into the new stage of their relationship and she was already dreaming of not only being married to him, but also taking his last name. She never wanted any last name other than her own, even when she had thought of marriage. However, the sound of Mrs. Stabler sounded amazing to her. The thought of being Mrs. Stabler, brought up a whole new wave of possibilities to her. "You told Noah you loved him last night."

"I did."

"And he said it back to you."

"He did." He laid another kiss on her head, "I love him like my own already Liv. I love you both so much."

She looked up at him with tears in her eyes, "And we love you." The one tear that escaped her eye he was quick to wipe away. Their lips connected and both tongues darted out to taste each other. She moaned into his mouth when both his hands settled on her ass to pull her body even more flush against him. The boxers he was wearing did nothing to hide his arousal. "We don't have time." She said as their lips disconnected briefly.

"Yes we do." He reconnected their lips, held onto her ass and flipped them over, so that she was on her back and he was settled between her legs.

"The door..." she whispered as his mouth descended to connect to her collarbone. There was no point in fighting him, she wanted him just as much as he wanted her. She didn't know how she went from not wanting sex, to wanting it all the time. She felt as though her sex drive was higher than it had ever been before, even in her thirties. Which was odd, because menopause was supposed to slow down a woman's drive, not speed it up.

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