Chapter 62

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Dan was incredibly thankful that they made an offer on the spot and promised them he would call them as soon as he heard from the owner.

The rest of their day was spent at The Escape Room. Which the kids enjoyed so much, that the adults ended up allowing them to go in every escape room they had. While Elliot went through an escape room with all the kids, Kathleen and Olivia decided to take a break outside.

"So, how far along are you?" Kathleen asked as their eyes scanned the many stores on the street.

"Almost 12 weeks already."

"That's great! Almost in your second trimester."

Olivia nodded, "I know. I just want to be there so I can stop worrying as much. Doctor said the chances of miscarriage lower significantly once the first trimester is over."

"And because of your age, you're at an increased risk for that?"

"Because of my age, both baby and I are at an increased risk for everything."

When Olivia took a deep breath, Kathleen reached out to rub her arm lightly, "But the doctor says everything is okay?"

"Yeah, we had a blood screening done to check her DNA and it didn't show any abnormalities."

Kathleen looked away slightly to hide the tears that began to fill her eyes. She was almost thirty years old, who was going to have a daughter who was older than her youngest sibling, and she couldn't be any more happy. "Her?"

Olivia shrugged lightly, "Your father and I have a feeling."

"Another sister to battle the brothers? Poor boys will never stand a chance."

Olivia laughed out loud, "They better watch out."

"Yes, all three of them." The over emphasis of the word three projected exactly what Kathleen meant. She had three brothers now, Dickie, Eli and Noah.

"Thank you, honey."

"Is this your first pregnancy, like ever?"

Olivia looked at her, "Ever. I've had a couple scares but that's all they've ever been. For the most part, I've always been very careful to not allow it to happen. As much as I always wanted children, I never wanted to have them with a man I wasn't going to stay with."

"But she was an accident though, right?" Kathleen asked, gesturing to Olivia's stomach. "You thought you couldn't get pregnant anymore."

"Yeah, in a way she was. But you and I both know that even if I knew I could still get pregnant..."

"Dad wouldn't have used protection."

Olivia nodded her head.

"Well, regardless, I really mean it when I say I'm happy for you two. Dad wants to make up for all the hurt and all the years lost because of him, so I'm glad he's doing it."

The brunette sniffled, "Yes, he is." When Kathleen replied with a smile, her eyes connected back to the stores on the street. When they came across the same store they had come across the last three times she looked, she bit her lip slightly, "Do you think you can distract your dad long enough for me to run into that store without him knowing?"

When Kathleen's eyes connected with the store she was pointing at, she smiled widely, "I can definitely do that."

Olivia mouthed a quick thank you and began to make her way to the store.

"Liv!" Kathleen called. As Olivia's eye made contact with hers to indicate she was listening, she said, "Make sure if you buy something, you hide it in the car!"

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