Chapter 75

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Catherine's POV:

I didn't know what made me do what I did.

Why am I like this? More reasons for Veronica Hampton to dislike me even more.

Ace pushed me away from him and glared at me angrily.

"You always attract trouble." He said before running to the direction the camera sound came from.

I attract trouble? Is that why I couldn't stay away from him? Because I'm addicted to trouble.

I bit my lower lip and sighed.

This is getting frustrating.

Why did I messed up. I need to think straight. I need to make Ace understand that we can work out.

I need to do something..... Anything at all to make him rethink his decision.

I kicked my leg and ran off to the direction he followed. After a while I saw him wandering around the trees, probably still searching for the person.

But who could it be?

"Ace?" I called. He turned back to face me, his jaw clenched as he walked up to me.

His hands were balled up in a fist and the veins of his neck throbbing.

I stepped back in fright as he walked up to me.

Ace has never been this mad at me. He has never looked this chilling to me.

"A.. .. Ace, calm down please." I stuttered, but he wasn't listening.

He kept on walking towards me slowly, with purpose. He looked like a lion cornering it's prey.

"You can't stay away from me, can you? You can't listen to instructions to save your life. Do you know what the headline will be on news outlets tomorrow? 'Ace Hampton caught getting groped by his ex, are they still together? Is he cheating on his fiance?' this is what the headlines will look like, thanks to you!" He bellowed. My body started shaking. I was scared of seeing him like this. It reminded me of the first time we meet at Riverside highschool. How violent he was with me.

"Calm down, please." I begged. He stopped walking immediately, he stared into my eyes and threw his head back, laughing loudly.

Just as soon as he started laughing it stopped abruptly and he charged towards me, catching me off guard and wrapped his hand around my neck.

"What did I say to you the other day? I have a fiance, bitch. A fiance who knows what she wants and isn't scared to go for it. A real woman. My wedding takes place on weekend in New York, you're invited." He Articulated. I gasped and closed my eyes, trying to block out his words.

My heart felt like it was breaking into pieces.

How did we got here?

How on Earth am I going to convince Ace that we can make it work between us.

"I love you! I love you, Ace Hampton. You're the air that I breath. The love of my life. I cannot live without you, Ace. No matter what, I'm going to keep fighting for you. I'll fight for us." I proclaimed. "I will fight for you, I'll wait for you."

Ace loosen up his hand that was wrapped around my neck and I stepped away from him.

"Think about this once again, Ace." I said and turned around then walked away from him.

When I got to the basketball court I squatted down and placed my head on my thighs.

What the hell is wrong with me?

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