Prologue/Chapter One

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Arrow's POV

I squeeze myself through the gap as the sword hits into the wall I had been against a moment before.

My heart is pumping inside my chest loud and clear. That could of easily killed me...I don't think he even wants to keep me alive now. He just wants me dead..

"I saw the way he looked at you Arrow!"

"Why does that matter? Being gay is wrong right!" I shout hoping I'm protected here but I doubt for long. Henry has lost it...even more then before.

I try move forward along the tight hole I had managed to squeeze myself down but the wall is close to both sides of me and its causing discomfort due to my injuries.

This is ridiculous!

I finally make it to the end feeling relief from my body now not being squashed.

"Arrow!" I hear Colin shout.

I turn as I feel something piece my shoulder....fuck!

Chapter One: God forbid.

A few hours before

The smell of burning filled the now inclosed space. The way into the uneven passage now blocked from above from the explosion.

The rubble taking up half the space in the very unlit passage. Lifeless bodies scattering the ground or so you would believe.

Strange drawings could still be seen against some of the walls that hadn't been damaged and the smell of damp could be identified even with the stench of burning.

Arrow stirred in his unconcious state making the body close beside him wake up iruptly.

Cameron pulls Arrow towards his body to check he is still breathing.

The first thing he notices is the cut against his pale face, he isn't looking so good. Yet the cut wouldn't make much of a difference to Arrow's face. Cameron had noticed the scars on his face the moment he saw him but had no time to ask about them.

Luckily the cut isn't deep and isn't bleeding much, yet that isn't what Cameron is worried about.

He seems to have already been through quite an ordeal. He noticed the blood stained to his clothes from earlier but now a new fresh spot of blood on his leg is very visible. It must of happened with the fall.

Cameron quickly takes of his jacket and does his best to use it as a bandage round his leg. Cameron barely knows Arrow but anyone could see this guy has a heart of gold. He looked defeated and angry that he couldn't protect his son. He has to do all he can to get him back to his kids.

Cameron suddenly remembered about Colin, Paul and Arrow's dad.

Cameron quickly looks around the passage. Apart from barely no light, smoke is lingering in the air making it hard to see anything.

He could get up and look but he is afraid to leave Arrow on his own.

Suddenly Cameron could hear someone coughing. "Arrow!" Someone shouts.

"Colin...over here can you see me!" Cameron calls.

Moments later Cameron could see Colin come into view dropping down in front of him and Arrow.

Cameron let's Colin move in and rest Arrow's head in his lap.

"Look what he has done to you. Please wake up handsome," Colin whispers to him.

Arrow stirs before his eyes slowly open falling on Colin his face lighting up at the sight of him.

"Colin...what happened?" He asks in a whisper.

"We fell and there was an explosion. That could of killed us...does this man have no morals like at all?" Colin asks looking at Cameron.

"I really can't say. He isn't the man I once loved. His dad really did fuck him up more then he did me for sure. But I got away from that man...I guess he had to continue to listen to his bullshit for years. Finally sent him crazy and believes that loving the same sex is a sin. I don't know if there is any chance of changing him now," Cameron says looking upset and uncomfortable about it all.

No one could blame him. Colin and Arrow look at each other sharing something Cameron may never get to have. True would melt anyone's heart seeing them. There love is pure and real. Not something you see everyday.

The loud scream ripped through the passage making Arrow's face change to pure terror.

"Dad!" He screams as Colin helps him to his feet.

"Arrow...I know we have to see what has happened but please try take it easy," Colin says to him clearly worried for the love of his life.

Arrow nods. "I know...but he sounded terrified. He could be badly hurt," says Arrow trying to hold back his emotions and his pain but clearly both Colin and Cameron could see right through it.

Cameron decides to help too in helping Arrow and Colin move down the passage towards where they heard Arrow's dad scream.

All three of them hoping it's not as bad as they think it could be. Cameron being much older then the two younger men he felt it is his responsibility to get them to safety but also he knew he couldn't suggest that till they found Arrow's dad and Paul.

But deep down Cameron knows this isn't going to be easy. They are underground and God forbid what Plan B truely meant.

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