Chapter Thirty Five: I won't let any of you die!

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Arrow's POV

In a blind panic, the wall became my support as I quickly lost Ezra in the smoke.

I start to cough but call out anyway. "Ezra!"

No reply?

Where did he go?

What is happening right now?

I really don't know what to do...


The pain in my leg is adding to my panic. If I let go of the wall, I don't know if I can bare all my weight on it.

"Ezra," I say again in the hope he just didn't hear me the first time.

No reply.

Now I'm really losing it. What is this?

Something sharp hits me in the leg, digging in and dragging me so tight I have no choice but to let go of the wall and feel myself hit the ground hard.

I scream out in pain at the harsh impact, and I try to hold it in as I feel myself being pulled along with no idea by what, with this thick smoke keeping me blind from everything.

I hear Ezra that really him?

I don't get time to process if it is him or not, as what is in my leg seems to let go. I feel myself crash into something, making a loud racket.

I try to catch my breath back, but I'm given no time as I just about make out a sword inches from me. I quickly move myself backwards  on the floor out of reach of the attack made on me.

"I told you that you are out of luck. You already look like you're done here," the man from earlier smirks at me.

I glare at him. "I get why Steve wants to do this, but what you got against me? How do you know so much about me, or is that just all bullshit?" I ask him.

"Arrow... honestly, you have a lot of enemies. Steve is just one of them."

"Then I guess you're my enemy too, but can you at least tell me why?"

"I am your enemy. The most funny part of this all is that you have no idea why."

"Do you just work for Steve?" I ask.

"I am currently helping Steve, and he is paying me a large sum to do so. But that isn't the only reason I am doing this. You see, for someone so young you have made a big imprint. Not like most you have gone above and beyond to be a hero. Most people would call you just that. A hero. Somehow, after all you have been through, you are still alive. Why is that?"


"No. No ones luck is that good. You have someone protecting you... it would almost be impossible, and I really couldn't explain it. You and Ezra... you are not normal. I've watched you, I've seen a lot. But even if someone is protecting you, it can't be all the time. No one's luck can last forever. Tonight, I'm going to put a stop to whatever you and Ezra are. The world will be a much better place. You are not a hero... you're just a pathetic excuse of a young man, and I'll be the one to kill you."

"I really don't know what your problem is with me and Ezra what your saying sounds insane. Maybe I've been lucky, but all I have ever done is try to do the right thing. If more people did the right thing, the world would be a better place," I tell him.

"'s not worth talking to this guy. If we want to survive today and every other day... we have to kill him. He knows too much about us. One its creepy, and two some people might not understand. We could be treated differently or experimented on. This has to not go public," Ezra says, who is down next to me looking at me in shock. "You look even worse...shit I'm sorry Arrow. Steve, the bastard pulled me away from you. I keep letting you down."

"I've had enough. Can we just kill them now," Steve says, who is next to the other man now. The smoke is slowly disappearing, making it easier to see them, and easier for me to see Ezra.

"It is time to get this over with, I think.  I'll leave Arrow to you he shouldn't be hard he is practically done already. I'll kill Ezra."

"Don't you dare say a word against my brother. I'll kill you fucking both I won't think twice. I'll be doing the world a favour!" Ezra shouts.

"Don't know if you're living in another world boy, but look at the state of your brother. I'm just stating how it is," the man says as he goes at Ezra with the sword, which he dodges smoothly.

I try to get to my feet but have to move quickly backwards across the floor as Steve fires an arrow at me, which hits the floor where I had been a second ago.

Steve walks quickly towards me. What do I do?

I can't run and I've got no way to protect myself. I do the best thing I can think of.

I lunge myself at him against his legs, taking him by surprise the bow leaving his hands, leaving him without a weapon.

We begin to struggle against each other, and I feel myself getting angry. I can feel the horrible voice inside my head to stop him, kill him before he kills me.

Yet I know I'm no killer...I'll rather die than kill someone else, but can I get away from him?

Trigger's POV

I head into the chaos, completely forgetting Tate and Tyler behind me.

I'm running forward pulling Steve off Arrow and shoving him hardly away.

"Arrow," I say kneeling down to check he is okay.

I notice straight away that he is a little worse for wear. His trouser leg is full of blood and torn. His shoulder has what looks like a jacket wrapped around it.

"Trigger... how you find us?" Arrow asks, confused.

"Don't worry about that right now," I say as I quickly pick up the bow and Arrow off the floor and fire one of the arrows at the man attacking Ezra it hits him in the leg bringing him to his knees in a shock.

Ezra quickly scatters away, heading over to Arrow and I.

"Glad to see you, Trigger," says Ezra.

"Sorry guys, Tyler and Tate are here, so it be best we get the hell out of here right now," I tell them.

I hand Ezra the bow and arrow before I pick Arrow up into my arms quickly. "Let's go!"

I headed back towards the door I came while Ezra follows behind me, firing at Steve and the man to keep them at bay.

Tate and Tyler are waiting. "I give you this you know how to change a situation quickly," Tate says to me.

"Go run now. We are still not out of the woods," I tell them.

"Something is wrong," Ezra says as we all head down the tight, cramped corridor of some sort that we had come through before.

"Trigger duck!" Arrow shouts to me. I quickly move to the ground as a bullet missing me by inches.

"Arrow... thank you."

"Can we really outrun them?" Tyler asks, looking worried.

"We keep going. Ezra, watch our backs. You get a shot to stop them, do. Ultimately, if it's us or them, we have no choice. I won't let any of you die!"

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