Chapter Eight: My only hope.

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Arrow's POV

The time Colin and the kids got back it was time to start preparing for the rest of our guests. I already felt a bit tipsy so the last drink Trigger had pulled I've been drinking more slowly in the middle of helping prepare things but I think I am getting more in the way and causing delays then actually helping.

I blame Trigger...

Colin finally insisted Trigger to take me to sit outside and relax saying him and the kids will finish the last few things.

It's feeling cold but it's a dry evening and we have set up burners as the evening sets in. It's hard to believe it is already November. Before we all know it, it will be Christmas.

Yet I can barely feel the cold right now. My body feels awfully hot because of how much I've drank already.

I watch Paul, Caz and Adam head towards the table I'm currently leaning on with my head.

"You definitely started with out us then," Paul laughs.

"I thought Arrow could do with clearing his head," Trigger explains.

"And another new member to your family?" Caz asks as I notice the cat in her arms.

" know me. It was hurt," I say to her.

"You think it's owner is looking for it?" Adam asks.

"I don't know. I have a feeling no one is missing it. I think I'll get the kids to name it," I smile.

"Great idea," smiles Paul.

"What's your poison then?" Trigger asks Paul.

"Surprise me," Paul smirks.

"Ah now that I can do," Trigger smiles as he goes back into the house.

"Trigger get Adam and Caz a drink too if you can," I call to him.

He turns back and nods to me, "Of course I will."

The time all our guests arrived Colin put the food on. I had to get Trigger to get me a jacket as I am beginning to feel the cold.

I have a drink in one hand and a cigarette in my other puffing on it slowly enjoying it. I usually do when I'm drunk.

My birthday night slips into my had been a good night until Colin and my kids got taken from me. It already feels like a life time since then.

I watch my kids having fun with there friends, with Lilly, Robbie and Jo's kid and Max, Jerrrod and Connor's kid.

I'm glad they are having fun.

Half way through the party I found myself dancing with Colin enjoying his arms in mine. I kiss him on the lips and let our bodies be close dancing to a slow song.

Before I knew it some of our guests began to leave and I found myself at the back of the garden with a beer and cigarette sitting with Paul and Trigger.

I felt well fall up from dinner and with my jacket covering my arms the cold isn't bothering me at all even though it is now nearly four in the morning.

Colin has put the kids to bed and said he will try tidy up a bit. I told him we can worry about that later but he insisted and I'm too drunk to argue with him.

"You alright Arrow?" Trigger asks me.


"A bit drunk," he laughs a bit too loud.

"Yeah me too," I smile back at him.

"Hey sometimes you have to relax and get a bit drunk," Paul says as he puffs on a cigarette I gave him.

Trigger has a cigarette too and we each have a beer still enjoying each others company.

We stayed like that till six in the morning before Colin sent us to bed before getting some shut eye himself.

All I could say it has been nice to have a night of no stress or worry. To enjoy time with the people I love.

And so I let sleep take me and my dreams seemed to almost feel normal for once in my life.


I dropped the envelope off...I hope he got it. I need help desperately and I thought he could maybe help somehow.

I'm lucky I didn't get caught...I shouldn't of even left this place but I risked it. Now all I can hope for is he reads what I left and finds it in his heart to help me. Arrow Sharp...he really is my only hope...please come and find me...I have no one else left to ask.


Thanks for reading. Sorry short chapter. Try get a longer one up soon. Hope you enjoyed:)

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