Chapter Thirty: Why can't it ever be a quiet day!

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The complications after Christian tried to take Arrow instead of Max soon made the social services change there mind.

Arrow and Colin given the all clear to rehome Max which ever way they saw fit.

Having there four kids, Tate and Ezra in the house meant it is starting to get very cramped. Did they really have the space to give Max a home too?

Yet Arrow didn't want to let Max down. Most foster family situations aren't always good. Adoption is a good way to go but not many people want to adopt older kids. He could easily be stuck in the system till he turns eighteen.

Arrow true concern about his husband but he would be okay in time. Luckily he got treated quickly and will just need some time to heal. Arrow on the other hand for the most part is okay.

His back hurts but mostly just bruised it's his leg that still will take time to mend. He has been given stronger pain relief and told to rest it for a couple more days before getting into any more trouble.

Arrow's emotions are all over the place at the moment and it's only going to get worse.

Arrow's POV

"Have you got everything you need?" I ask Max as I finish making the lunches with Tate for everyone for the day.

"Yeah all thanks to you," Max smiles at me.

"Your welcome. Everyone good to go?" I ask as I fetch my keys off the side, my wallet and jacket.

"You take it easy," Colin says to me who is sitting on the sofa with his leg up as all the kids are by the door ready to go.

"I will."

"I mean it. I can't rescue your ass at the moment," Colin teases.

"Very funny. I will take it easy. Ezra you sure you okay to stay with Colin?" I ask.

"Of course and if your in danger I'll know," he winks at me.

"Don't you start. Come on kids let's get you to school before your late," I say as I open the front door and we all head out.

Finally after getting all the kids to school I found myself driving to work alone.

I have the radio on quietly stuck in some traffic. I sign...going to be late for work for sure now.

My phone is on the holder I have. I quickly look through my contacts to try find Allac when it begins to ring.

It's Adam...wonder what he wants?

"Hey Adam you alright?" I ask.

"Traffic is horrendous today. How you doing I heard all that has been happening."

"Yeah I'm stuck in it on way to work. Yeah it's been a bit crazy."

"When isn't it for you. Honestly mate you should change your middle name to trouble," he laughs.

"It's not done on purpose. Doesn't help probably the whole country knows who I am by this point. Stupid tvs...anyway was you just saying hi?"

"Ah yeah. I met someone last month. We have had a few dates and I guess I thought it be nice to introduce you. At the end of day if I ever think of really settling down and getting married guess who my best man will be?"

" you sure?" I ask.

"Of course I am sure. Come on...I know we met under some crazy shit and I know I can never do anything to take back what I did," he begins but I cut across him.

"Adam that's in the past. You know I'm over that. It's everyone else that brings it up and yeah it's something that always be seen now but honestly don't worry about it," I tell him.

Embrace Three (spin of from Acceptance and third in Embrace)Where stories live. Discover now