Chapter Thirty Seven: Can I really kill this man?

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Arrow's POV

So here I am about to face god knows what to try to save these fourteen kids, and it all starts once I leave this room.

Time isn't on my side. I head towards the door but unsteady on my feet. If they hadn't been so rough getting me here. I am pretty sure they did it to put me at a massive disadvantage.

I grip the handle and pull it open. I'm met instantly by pure panic and heat beyond anything I've felt before.

I see a young girl in the far corner trying to protect herself away from a fire pit in the middle of the room that's way out of control. The heat from it is immense.

I can see two men also heading towards the girl. I have to act quickly...

I rush into the room, running at a sprint towards the girl and manage to put myself between her and the two men in green outfits.

"Are you hurt?" I ask the girl.

"I'm scared...I don't know why I'm here," she says quietly.

I look to the two men. "Don't worry, I'm going to protect you."

The two men look at me before they both start laughing.

"You can laugh. But you must know why I'm here and why your boss has brung me here?"

"You are practically still a child yourself. How do you expect to stop us? I could break you apart in two simple moves." The taller of the two men smirks at me as if I'm a very small ant among the many other scarier and timidating bugs.

"I'm not scared of you, and by all means try me. Let's see, shall we?"

I can feel their anger rise instantly. The aggression is very much present now.

"Why are you getting them angry?" The girl asks, looking terrified by this point.

"Whether I make then angry or not, they are here to kill you. I'm your only chance, and I know that's not exactly reassuring, but I will protect with my life. So we either leave here together or we both will die. I'm sorry you are in this situation, and I know it's scary. But I'm not going to lie to you about it. It's best you know how serious this is."

She looks at me shock clearly on her face. "Kill me. Why?"

"Sorry, no time," I say to her as I grab her arm and pull her to the left as the taller man goes for her.

"Leave the girl. Take me on both of you. If you deal with me first, killing the girl would be easier on your part."

"You really think you are a hero? We'll go along with your stupid idea. Why not. We are sure to win in the end. You are the one that asked for this, so don't be at all surprised when you're lying on the floor dying watching us kill her," the taller man laughs evilly.

I move quickly, snatching the knife in the shorter man's belt before backing away quickly. "I know...I'm just making it fair. I hope you don't mind," I smirk at them both this time.

"I give you props. You play the hero very well, but let's see how quick it is to break you!" The tall man shouts as he comes right at me.

The knife being my only chance and knowing its basically us or them I know I can't hold back. If it means I become a murderer tonight... then I'll have to overcome that.

No holding back....

I'm down on the floor through his legs before he even realises. The knife I stab quickly right down his back further in and down his back the blood over my hand as I pull the knife out as the smaller man comes at me looking angry at how easy I made it look to attack him.

I back away and throw the knife right at his eye and with some luck it made its target. He screams out as blood starts to piss out of his eye.

I feel awfully sick all of a sudden. I've never done something so brutal and so quick before.

I run over to the girl. "Sorry you had to see that," I tell her.

"Sorry... they wanted to kill me. I should thank you."

"Don't thank me yet. There are 13 more kids here, and each of you they want to kill. Plus, they aren't done. I just wanted to check if you are okay. Stay by the door. I'll try to finish this quick," I inform her.

Now, this will be the hard part. They are going to be extremely pissed I managed to wound them so quick. I doubt I'm going to get out of this unharmed and the heat and the fire is becoming hard to cope with now.

The two men are both on the floor. "Don't pull it out you will lose more blood."

"This is too painful. I've lost too much blood already. I'm going to die!" The shorter man says.

"Stop being a pussy. But fine, you stay back. I'll finish this bastard off!" He says, getting to his feet.

"You gave me no choice."

"You really do have some kind of skills that's clear, that throw nothing but dumb luck."

"Maybe. You can just let the girl and I go. You still might live if you get treated," I say slowly.

"He might be a pussy but I'm certainly am not. I won't stop till I'm dead!" He shouts as he comes at with his own knife in hand.

I really don't want to kill either of them. But I either let him kill myself and the girl and thirteen other kids, or I do the only thing I can. Protect them, save them. Even if that does mean I become a murderer.

He is quick, and as I dodge his first attack, the second came quicker and more precise catching my arm as I just about got out of an attack that could have been fatal.

I use my knife to stop the next attack and swip my leg underneath his, making him hit the floor hard crying out as he landed on his back.

I stand over him, kicking his knife out of his reach with the knife in my hand looking down at him.

Am I really a murderer?

Can I really kill this man?

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