Chapter Forty One: Be safe!

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Arrow's POV

I lean against the wall, my breathing unsteady.

"You sure you want to do this?" Ezra asks me.

"I have no choice. We need to distract them and clearly me who they are here to hurt. It's why I didn't want you three to come," I say to him.

"I'm not letting you out my sights," Trigger and Colin say at the same time.

"Yeah, me either. Maybe this is just going to get us killed, but we wouldn't let you do it alone," Ezra says.

"Thanks, I think," I whisper.

"It's now or never, lads," Trigger says.

I nod before we head towards the open space of where the explosion happened no more than five minutes ago.

"I must admit. I honestly wanted to hold that sword and attack you but I clearly made the right choice in not or I would of got hurt by Trigger," says a medium size man maybe about the same height as me but his body is ripped wearing tight clothes showing that off even more.

"I wish you did," Trigger smirks.

"Congratulations on your marriage. Of course, I can't promise it's going to last much more than this night, which is a shame. But that's what happens when you stand by someone like Arrow. it's going to get you killed!"

"So you say. But surprisingly, I'm going to do all I can to make sure that doesn't happen. If I have to I will kill you for fucking up my wedding night. Fare warning if you think I'm bluffing I am not. I will kill if I have too and especially someone like you. Whatever this is about we will take you down. No one fucks with the people I love including Arrow. I'll always stand by him plus if I didn't I'll probably be fucked over by a ghost don't like the thought of that," Trigger winks at me.

"How very sweet, but don't say I didn't warn you!"

All hell broke loose. Guns, knives swords and bow and arrows.

My life almost flashed in front of my eyes. My first kiss with Colin, my sister exposing my sexuality. Lilly's fake death, among many other things.

I'm frozen to the spot, unable to process everything, and the situation I am

Ezra pulls me backwards behind some rumble. "Little brother what's going on?" He asks me.

"Sorry...," I begin.

"Don't be. I just had the same sort of thoughts. We are truly connected, Arrow. We are special, and this part of our journey, I need you to be right here with me. Take my hand and use every feeling and thought and turn that into power. We can do this. Protect everyone we love and care about and teach these men and everyone after these men that they will regret ever going up against us!"

I look at my brother, unsure what he really means, but I nod. I trust him with our lives and our love ones.

Something truly amazing is about to happen, I can feel it within myself. After all these years of hurt, anger, and sorrow. I feel the light within myself. It is building as Ezra and I come out from our hiding spot.

"Today will mark the end of it, Ezra. Mark the end of me always being weak and scared and unable to control the situation," I say to him. 

"It will. Let's do this, little brother," he winks at me.

A light so bright bursts out from nowhere from Ezra and I. A long looking bow and arrow appears within both our hands.

We start to fire these bright and inflamed arrows at our attackers.

Trigger and Colin are behind us watching us in true amazement.

We will protect everyone!

This night will end in death, but we have been given no choice and no backup for now. We have no choice but to take control of the situation ourselves for now.


The enemies in the room couldn't believe the quick turn of events and yet to Andrew the realisation sunk in fast. This is the reason Arrow always managed to survive every situation and become the hero he is today.

Him and his brother are gifted and even though this is the first time it probably has really be shown someone clearly has there back. From where exactly who knows, but they are protected, and they have the advantage.

Andrew has no way of knowing if he will survive this night, but he will truly put Arrow and his brother to the test. How far are they willing to go?

Andrew can't wait to find out...

Tyler's POV

I can't help but think the worst. Why does this keep happening to us?

Are my parents even alive?

What the hell is going on?

I see Paul, Adam, and Robbie heading towards us they look a bit rough, but at least they are still alive.

"What's happening?" I ask before anyone else could.

"Big explosion they are in the building. We are all in danger at this point. Arrow, Colin, Ezra, and Trigger stayed behind to distract them so we can get to safety. We need to be quick," Paul says to us.

No way. "No...why did you let them both stay behind!" I shout at him.

"Arrow insisted Colin come back, but be is too stubborn. He said he won't let Arrow do this alone and won't let him out his sights. As long as all you kids get to safety, they both be happy knowing that."

"Idiots...but god, I love them. They are brave, but they could both get killed! Then what...," I whisper.

"I know. They are idiots but they love each other, and I'm sure Arrow wanted to argue, but time isn't on our side. Now everyone, we are all going to try to get through this. However, everyone needs to be brave. This isn't going to be easy," Paul steps up and tells everyone.

I look at my brother and sisters. I'm going to have to be brave for them. I'm the oldest at the end of the day it's my job too.

But I'm not going to lie... How are we all going to get out of this alive? How many men are going to try to kill us?

Anyone would be stupid to not be scared or worried. Tonight has gone horribly wrong!

"Looks like it's a good job. I brought my bow and arrow then," Lilly smirks.

"How the heck you get that through security?" Paul asks.

"We all have our ways," Lilly smiles.

"I'll like to know the answer if we get out of this alive!"

"Alright then. We best get a move on," Lilly says.

Arrow...'s be safe!

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