Chapter Fifteen: I doubt it

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Tyler's POV

There doesn't ever seem to be a quiet day for the Sharp family, my family.

One day it could be dealing with a bully which turned into my dad and my brother being kidnapped and someone trying to clence them.

The next its my dad's being buried underneath a building. It's never quiet and for the most part always dangerous.

My dad always seems to blame himself for the trouble but to be honest it seems to follow us all. My dad Arrow is usually always trying to do the right thing, shamefully that usually ends up quite a dangerous situation.

It seems today isn't going to be a quiet day either. And today it comes in the form of a school trip.

Of course for the most part it's going to be a boring one. A museum trip into London. But with my year group...yeah not going to be quiet.

I just hope it's a trip that goes fast as tonight Arrow is taking me to go see this film I want to see.

Naturally I'm also thinking about Christmas, like most people at this time of year. It's only a few days till December.

My two dads are on the mend from the collapsing building but I know they are both tired and lost quite a bit of money for having the time of to heal. It's taken nearly a month for them to be able to even get back to work.

Luckily both my dad's work full time and save alot or it might of been a lot harder situation.

I'm just hoping today will go quickly.
I don't want it to drag too much.

I climb out of my dad's car. "I'll pick you up at the station later. Quick bite before the film. Have a great day Tyler," Arrow smiles at me.

I smile back. "I'll try."

Arrow waits till I join the group of my classmates before he drives away.

"You excited?" Oliver asks me.

I look at him and laugh. "Yeah because I've always dreamt to go to a museum," I say sarcastically.

"Oh come on. It beats sitting in the classroom," he says to me.

"Does it? Plus I don't even get this trip. We are in year eleven. We should be in the classroom. I'm way behind as it is."

"You will get there. I have faith in you and so does your entire family. Its been hard for you all. So enjoy the trip and quit complaining. Besides your nearly sixteen. Aren't you excited for that?" He asks me with his strange stare he gives me sometimes.

I look at Oliver but don't say anything. To be completely honest it's not that I'm not excited but maybe I'm more worried. I'm not great in school and had to try deal with alot of trouble around me. It's put me off, I've had alot on my mind.

I'm worried that I won't pass my exams. That I won't be as successful as my dad's. They have achieved so much and I don't know if I can live up to that. The worser thing is the fact they both call me an idiot for thinking that way...

"I don't know, Oliver. What so great about growing up," I say to him.

"You only think that way because of your past and maybe because of what your dad's have been through. But overall they have had some amazing things in life too. Look at the four kids they found along the way. I know your scared...even I am. But you can't ask for better parents to help you through these next few years. Plus enjoy them, Tyler. I wish I had parents like yours. They truely love you as if you were there own."

"Wow when did you get so grown up," I laugh.

"Hey..I see things. Now come on cheer up. No it's not the best trip in the world but its better then nothing."

"I suppose you are right," I smile at him.

"I am always right. I just like to make that clear," he smiles sheepishly.

"Hmm...don't push it."

"Don't spoil it. Let me have this one," he winks at me.

"Whatever helps you get through the day."

"I can see you smiling...can't hide it from me. What you got for lunch?" He asks me.

I look at him puzzled. "I didn't bring anything...I didn't realise I had too."

"I'm messing. Me either. The letter said meal will be provided. I hope it something half decent."


Luca's POV

"Sometimes even now I still remember being tied down to the table, my dad in the same situation beside me. It haunts my dreams most nights.

I try forget it but it seems I'm never going to be able to forget it or push it away, because if even I try my dreams only seem to exist now of the tragic incident...I want to talk to my dad, Arrow about it but I never quite know how to explain to him how I feel about it.

Of course seeing the counselor is helping, I just don't think it's helping enough. The dreams...they just won't go away. It doesn't seem to matter what I do...

I don't know how my dad has gone through all he has and how he deals with the nightmares.

It's so hard...

" okay?"

I look up from day dreaming in my book but not actually reading it. Yet I probably know every word in the book. I've always been way ahead of my class mates. Sometimes my dad's say I'm probably maybe even further head then Tyler...I wish I wasn't. I know how much he is struggling.

" know me. I've read this book already three times."

"Oh yeah...I have a genius for a boyfriend," Jeff laughs.

"I wouldn't go that far."

"Is it the nightmares again?" Jeff asks me more seriously.

"Maybe...they won't go away," I tell him the truth.

"You spoke to your dad yet about it?"

"No...not really. I don't want to put more shit onto him."

"You do know he will be more angry you not saying anything. He will hate himself if something bad happens," Jeff says softly.

"I know...I will. Just not today. He is spending the evening with Tyler. His birthday is on Saturday. I still need to get his present. I'm going tonight after work with Zane, Fay and Colin. We got surprise birthday party for him on Saturday too. Tonight is his first part of his birthday."

"That be I invited?" He asks me.

"Nah I thought I leave you out...I'm kidding. Sure you can come. I was meant to tell you yesterday but I guess I've had so much on my brain."

"It's cool. Least you told me now. You think Tyler will enjoy his school trip?"

"It's Tyler...I doubt it," I laugh.

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