Chapter Thirty Two: What the hell is going on?

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Three days passed by Colin filled with worry. Ezra nowhere to also be found. Tate is in a mood that Ezra goes without telling him.

Let alone Tyler, Fay, Zane, Luca, and Max feeling worried and all dealing with what has happened to Arrow differently.

Why is it always Arrow? Everyone probably always wonders.

Some people will go through life without many dangerous situations, and yet Arrow has been through so many , and he probably has lost count by now.

But the most important question of all is what is happening to Arrow now?

Arrow's POV

I always seem to find myself in danger. It's so normal now that it's scary.

The worst part about it all is ... the guy who practically kidnapped me is no other than Dig's half-brother. A brother, I had no idea existed.

No wonder he is so angry at me. For the most part, I'm unharmed for now. I've been given some food and water the last three days. I've barely seen Steve apart from when he came to tell me his connection with Dig.

If he is so angry and wants me dead, why delay it? It doesn't make much sense to me.

I'm just left down here wondering what is coming next and when. I'm starting to lose my mind and my sanity.

Let alone feeling dreadful. My sugar levels aren't great. I didn't want to bring it up and piss him off anymore than I apparently already have.

Suddenly, I hear aggressive shouting from above. Banging and crashing around.

What the hell is going on up there?

"Get away from that door!" I hear Steve shout loudly.

"Did you know he had a twin?" I hear another voice.

Silence falls as if nothing is happening.

I hear a gunshot and panic syncs in. Ezra...

"Fuck," I hear Steve say.

The door to the basement I hear being unlocked and next I watch in shock as Steve is clearly chucked down the stairs landing at the bottom in a hip.

I back away, unsure of the situation. Steve moves to look over at me with intense eyes.

I watch as Ezra comes down the stairs holding a gun in his hand.

"It's not nice to play with guns. It only ends as hurt and death. Trust me... not a good thing to do. You alright, little brother?" He asks me.

I stare at him in shock but nod my head. "Yeah...any chance you brought my tablets?" I ask him.

"I did. I thought these idiots wouldn't know. They didn't even know about me," he grins as he arrives at the bottom and kicks Steve hardly. "That's for kidnapping my little brother. Come on, I got the tablets but need to get the water, that's all."

I walk towards him feeling light headed. I quickly walk by Steve and slowly head up the stairs.

I reach the top of the stairs as I hear Ezra struggling. Steve... I turn around knowing I need to help my brother, but someone attacks me with such brute force I lose my balance and slip on the steps and I feel myself falling.

I try to stop myself half way down but I realise I'm falling quicker then my attacker can catch me.

I ignore the pain and only slow myself down at the bottom to stop hurting myself too much at the bottom.

I quickly get to my feet to notice the struggle between Steve and my brother.

The gun at my feet. I pick it up and turn on my attacker.

"Back up...I will use this!" I tell him.

"I very much doubt that Mr Sharp," his voice deep and very unnerving.

"You think I won't? Then you don't know me at all," I retort back.

"I know everything about you. There isn't much I don't. Maybe you should be paying attention to saving your brother," he smirks at me.

"He can handle himself. He is better at this than I am."

"Isn't that true. You aren't going to shoot me," he says, stepping down the last step towards me.

I hold tighter to the gun. After everything I've been through. This man is very much mistaken. I will shoot. No I won't shoot to kill but I'll shoot to stop myself getting hurt and help my brother. I'm not the timid and scared kid I use to be.

If nothing else life has changed me. Because I wouldn't ever even think to shoot someone but I really don't have to time to worry about that anymore.

Not when my life is in danger around every corner. Sometimes you have no choice but to do something you don't want to do.

He takes one more step towards me and I aim the gun directly at his leg.

"Take one more step, and I will shoot!"

"No, you won't Arrow. You are just bluffing," he says as he gets even closer to me.

I fire the gun without any hesitation it hitting him in the leg, making him fall to his knees.

"You little shit," he says, looking pissed off now.

"I warned you. Now stay down," I tell him.

"You heard him," Ezra says who is now standing beside me. Steve is out cold on the floor.

"Arrow and Ezra you think you are going to walk away from this but not this time. Your luck is finally done here. No escape from this, trust me!"

"And how exactly are you going to stop us?" Ezra asks with a smirk on his face.

"Who even are you? How do you know anything about us?" I ask, confused.

A horrible feeling washes over me. My feeling suddenly appearing out of nowhere, almost crushing my soul and very existence.

"It begins now, lads. Let's see what the almighty Arrow and Ezra can do shall we," he smirks at us as he gets to his feet the bullet in his leg almost like it didn't hurt him at all.

I have a really bad feeling about this...

It's almost like the room swallowed me whole. My body feeling so much pressure it couldn't stand. The floor beneath almost unbearable to stand on.

My hand unable to keep hold of the gun. It slipping from my fingers.

Ezra noticed quickly taking the gun from me before it left my hand completed.

"What you doing to him!" Ezra demands looking worried.

The floor begins to crumble away Ezra gripping my arm trying to get us to the stairs in time but we both knew it to be too late we hold tight to each other as the floor gives way.

I feel myself falling but falling tightly with Ezra with me. Our faces match each others. Horror, concen and uncertainty.

What the hell is going on?

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