Chapter Twenty Seven: Now more then ever

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Arrow's POV

I thought through out my years of life I had met pretty much the most brutal and crazy people imaginable but I think this guy has reached near the top of the list.

Better the fuck am I still alive!

I scream out in pain, spitting blood onto the floor. My insides in so much pain everything is becoming unclear.

"You must of been wrong," one of the two men with him say.

"I'm not...wait just wait!" He shouts.

"Your fucking crazy...I'm dying," I say coughing up more blood. This is how Dig must of felt...God I fucking miss you!

I'm dying...I'm losing too much blood. Even I can't survive's impossible.

"Please...give me your fucking phone. I have to speak to him...I have to speak to Colin one last time. I can't go without saying bye he will be destroyed forever!" I scream at him as I cough up more blood.

It hurts so much but soon the pain will disappear with my life. No one can out live death not even me....

My kids, Trigger and being his best man slowly disappearing in front of me. All over...because of this man.

"Don't give him the phone...wait I know it's coming!"

"Nothing is coming. You are a fucking psycho!" I scream at him tears slowly falling down my face realisation that I won't even get to say goodbye.

After some how ends here.

Yet part of me feels at least the pain will stop soon....

"You didn't think you was alone did you Arrow? After all this time? You are special just like Ezra. And I've always been here deep within you. Cheering you on. Your time is not now. So don't be scared. Don't let him see the satisfaction of your pain and sorrow. Your the bravest man and the most kind. You have much to go through before it's time. So stand up. Stand up and get these kids to safety. Help is on the way to you brave, brave man!

"Get up Arrow. Get up! Trigger will be devasted, Colin and your kids. I'm so proud of you Arrow. Remember I love you and I'll always be watching you turn into the mature man I know you will be now get up!" I hear Dig within my mind.

I cling to the wall pulling myself up on my feet. I feel slightly unsteady but the pain isn't half as bad as it was. I'm no longer coughing up blood. How is this possible?

"Can't be," the two men say in shock.

"I was right!"

"Not quite. Arrow is special but I thought he would be as I am too. You alright little brother?" Ezra asks who just entered the building from the back door and into the front room.

"You have no idea how happy I'm to see you," I whisper.

"Dig is so proud of you," Ezra says as he comes over to me and wraps his arms around me.

His warmth is so comforting and loving.

"Get away from him. I found him! I unlocked him. I found this miracle!"

"Give me that knife! Let's see how you feel being stabbed!" Ezra shouts intensly.

I hold tight to Ezra. "The kids...Ezra the kids," I whisper to him.

"I know...but we have to eliminate the danger first. Your weak let me take this burden," he says to me.

"We don't have to kill them," I whisper.

"Arrow you realise if we weren't special you be dead. He could of killed you...fuck. They deserve to die!" Ezra says looking pissed off.

"It still hurts," I whisper to him as I lose my balance but Ezra takes all my weight.

"I know little brother...I know I feel it. I know it does. Only so much he could do. We still need to get you to a hospital."

"Who is he?" I ask.

"I guess he is like our guardian angel. I've only spoken to him a couple times. I guess I didn't tell you everything...I guess I was scared you think I was a freak," he mumbles.

"I would never think that...shit my leg," I grunt in pain.

"Your leg?" Ezra asks confused.

Suddenly Ezra and I are being tackled to the floor the pain in my leg screaming at me more then my stomach...that doesn't make sense. To be honest none of this makes sense....

"Give me that knife!" Ezra shouts struggling with the man to get the knife with the symbols on it.

I pull myself away enough to try get my breathing under control.

The kids...I try use the wall to get to my feet but the two other men appear in front of me glaring down at me.

"Leave me alone!" I shout as I manage to get to my feet.

I notice the strange looking golden rope they have in there hands.

"This will keep you from escaping...your very precious to us now!"

Did the other man try distract my brother so they could try stop me? Of course...damn it!

This is just getting weirder and stranger by the minute.

"Ezra!" I shout to him. I won't be able to escape both of them...I'm too weak even if somehow I'm still alive from a stab wound I should of died from by now.

Ezra noticed my predicament but he is too busy trying to protect his own life. I guess I'm on my own...think Arrow. What can I do here?

I notice the gun on the ground. It probably still has bullets in it. It really is my only choice.

I dive to the ground ignoring the pain and pointing the gun up at them.

"Back the fuck up or I will shoot!"

"Do you have it in you?" They both say at the same time.

I shoot the gun in the left man's leg. "Yeah I do. Next one be to kill," I mutter. I don't. But they don't know that!


Colin...he is here?

Smack I'm on the ground the man who I hadn't shot weight crushing me the gun scattering across the ground.

Damn it!

I struggle against him but I'm so tired at this just isn't enough.

It's never quite enough...

Suddenly the man is off me and Colin is pulling me into a tight squeeze.

"Arrow...fuck your a live," Colin whispers tears in his eyes.

"I was dying...and all I could think about was ringing you...," I say to him.

"I bet you are you not," Colin goes to ask but Ezra puts his hand on his shoulder.

"Because this man is a psycho but Arrow and I are special. We aren't like everyone else. It wasn't time for Arrow to die yet. So he had a helping hand," Ezra says.

"Dig...he spoke to me," I whisper.

"What he say?" Colin asks not looking fazed by what Ezra just told him.

"That he is proud...and he loves me. But you would be devasted, the kids and Trigger. He will always be watching," I whisper.

" okay?" Colin asks.

"I don't think so...but I'm sure it be okay," I whisper. I let my eyes close needing to rest now more then ever.

Embrace Three (spin of from Acceptance and third in Embrace)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt