Chapter Thirty Three: Alright then, hero....lets do this!

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Tate's POV

How dare he go without even telling me. I know it's his brother... but still.

How could he?

I couldn't stand it. I can't stand it!

That's what brought me here. No one... no one can keep me away from Ezra.

But what I've unnerving. But I have no doubt in my mind. Underneath this rubble, I know I'll find Ezra.

Please be alive...I really don't know what I would do without you!!

Arrow's POV

"Arrow!! Arrow!"

Is someone shouting my name?

What happened?

Everything is a complete blur...

The pain became all too real quickly. I try to open my eyes, but I find myself hissing in pain.

What is wrong with me? What is this pain?

"Arrow...take it slow," I hear Ezra's voice.

My brother....

"Ezra," I mutter, struggling to open my eyes.

"It's going to be okay, little brother...I'll get us out of here. But I need you to open your eyes," he whispers to me, or maybe I'm struggling to hear him. I really don't know.

With all my might, I slowly open my eyes. Ezra kneeling beside me. His face is covered in blood. I notice the horrific cut on his left side of his forehead.

I look at him, unable to find any words. "Don't worry. I've had worse," he grins at me.

"What the hell happened?" I ask him.

"Not entirely sure. But I feel like this was set up. That guy has vanished, and so has Steve," he informs me.

"Great...fuck," I hiss in pain again.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't hold onto's why you're hurt," Ezra mutters.

"It's not your fault," I say as I try to get an idea of how hurt I really am.

The pain is escalating most from my right leg. I must have caught it during or after the fall.

My back hurts, I feel overly hot, and my sugar levels must be too high by this point.

"Bastards...I couldn't even get you the water. You are going to have to try swallowing these without it," he says, looking pissed off.

I try to smile to lighten the mood, but he looks at me even more pissed off.

"You don't have to put on a smile for me. I can feel your emotions and pain anyway," Ezra says as he pulls out the tablets from his pocket. I notice his left hand is pretty bashed up.

"How you do that?" I ask him.

"It doesn't matter. You have to get these down yourself!"

I sigh before I take the tablets from him. I take two out of the packet and do my best to swallow, which, with a struggle I manage to do.

"Good. Now let's see if you can stand," he says, offering out his hand to me. I look at it before I take it firmly to try to help myself get to my feet.

With a bit of a struggle, I'm back on my feet.

"You okay?" Ezra asks.

"I'm okay, but I'm not going to lie to you. It does hurt, and I feel unsteady."

"To be expected. We will take it easy but we have to figure out what this bullshit is about and get the fuck out of here," Ezra begins looking a bit worried. That's unlike him....

"You sure you are okay?" I ask him.

"Something about this whole thing is putting me on edge. I can feel's driving me mad."

" you think he was right? That our luck has finally ran out?" I ask him.

"He just said that to scare us. Bet this is just them trying to make you suffer because of Dig. Which is bullshit by the way. His death was not your fault. So don't even blame yourself for this. Let's not lose our shit. Let's do this calmly and be smart. Don't worry," he says holding my hand and supporting my weight so I'm not putting to much pressure on my leg.

"You are right. Do you have any idea what we should do?" I ask him.

"I was going to ask you the same thing," he smiles at me.

"Depends on how fare we fell. I mean I don't even understand how the floor just caved in like that. It's not the first time I've experienced something like this either. I'm honestly sick of being underground."

"Yeah, I thought I was getting that feeling from you. I get why. But just try ignore that for now. We have to keep our wits about us. Technically, the fall should have killed us, but they must have known the chances it might not. I don't think this was the whole plan. That guy clearly said we wouldn't make this out alive. Let's prove that asshole we can. If he wants to see what Ezra and Arrow can handle, then let's give them a show. If I see them they are both dead. No more mister nice guy from me," Ezra mutters.

"Well let's just try find away out without killing them first."

"Arrow you have been through more then I have. You must know this isn't going to be easy or we may cross paths with them. They clearly want us dead if it comes to it you have to be strong about this."

I look at Ezra and sigh. "Let's cross that bridge when it happens."

"If you say so. Are you ready?" He asks me.

"Not really...but we have to get out of here so I guess so," I say still using Ezra to help me not put alot of weight on my leg but I know as soon as I start walking the pain is only going to get worse.

I slowly try to walk forward, but the pain hits me like a ton of bricks. I try hide my pain from Ezra but he is already looking at me.

"You don't have to act tough. I can feel how your feeling. I know it hurts and I'm sorry I can't do anything to take the pain away but you can use me for support as much as you need," he tells me.

"Thank you," I say to him. "I'm glad I have a brother," I tell him.

"Me too. Now take it slow but let's try get the hell out of here!"

Tate's POV

To find a way in looked almost impossible. However with a little bit of thought on my end I searched the area for some time and I found the hidden entrance. This had clearly been a set up. Whether it was for Ezra or Arrow or both I'm sure I'll find out soon enough.

I head down a ladder that clearly had been put in place.


Who is that?

As I reach the bottom I see someone coming down the ladder. As they reach the bottom I notice who it is straight away.

"What are you doing here!" I shout at him.

"I followed you. I thought maybe you had an idea where your brother went, which will lead to dad," Tyler says.

"Your dad will kill me that your here, I say to him.

"Yeah, maybe, but he is my dad! I had to come...," Tyler trails off.

"Honestly... you are so like Arrow. I'm honestly surprised you're not actually related. You definitely are meant to be his son," I smirk at him.

"I'll take that as a compliment. Now we going to try find them or not?" He asks.

"Alright, let's go, but this is dangerous. You could get hurt."

"That is nothing new. I know it will be. But right now, I'll take that risk to find him."

"Alright then, hero....let's do this!"

Embrace Three (spin of from Acceptance and third in Embrace)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat