Chapter Two: All this.

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Arrow's POV

As we moved down the passage my leg is screaming at me but like so many other things I choice to ignore it. It's best to try handle the pain because how else will we all make it out of here alive.

I can't say I'm feeling great about this whole situation. Being underground means alot less oxygen. Alot less room to move and I doubt any of us are feeling great, we all did fall through a hole in the ground that came from nowhere.

This whole thing is crazy. Yet it hardly shocks me these days. I've had to go through alot and deal with a number of situations. This is nothing different but it is the first real time in along time that makes you feel uneasy and sick to your stomach that this is all to do with sexuality. I'm just relieved that Luca isn't here. I hope he is safe...

As we continue further, the passage begins to open up a bit and through the smoke my eyes finally met my dad's.

He looks at me for a few good moments, I see the discomfort in his face. Something is wrong...

"Stay back. Its not safe," my dad whispers to us.

"What do you mean by that?" Colin asks looking confused.

We can't see much, I can just about make out my dad's face.

"Is that blood," Cameron whispers.

"Dad," I finally say meeting his gaze once more.

"You have to Get help!"

"Where is Paul?" I ask him.

His face seems to change. "Son..."

"Don't say it...don't say he is dead," I whisper.

"Why you scaring him to death. You look like you just seen someone die though so I can't blame him. Of course I'm not bloody dead. But its not safe over here. You have to go round and get some help. We can't come with you," I hear Paul's voice.

"You keep saying that. But why isn't it safe? What the hell is going on?" Colin demands.

"We can't see," Cameron adds on.

My leg decides to cramp out, the pain overpowering my ability to act like everything is okay. I cling onto Cameron and Colin to try conpose myself.

"Arrow...,"Colin says looking scared to death.

"Arrow what is wrong with him?" Paul demands.

"We all fell through that hole! And he was hurt way before that. But he messed his leg up a bit due to the fall," Cameron says.

" the hell we end up in this mess," Paul pants like he is hiding that he is hurt too.

"This is terrifying," my dad suddenly says.

"Will you two just tell us what the fuck is going on or why we can't come any closer?" Colin demands now.

"Plan B," my dad finally says.

"What?" All three of us ask at the same time.

"Plan B. This is his plan B. Open up the hole we fall inside the explosion. It had all been planned encase Plan A failed."

"I think we all know that part," Cameron says.

"You have to go okay. Paul and I are hurt...we only slow you down and besides he isn't after us," my dad says looking at me sadly.

"Is that the only reason? Fuck that. I'm hurt too I'll slow these two right down won't I. So with that logic I should stay behind too!"

"No!" Paul, Colin, Cameron and my dad say all at the same time.

"Seriously?" I ask confused.

"If anyone is truely in danger it's you three and we all know why," I hear Paul say.

"This is bullshit. Help me over to them," I say to Colin and Cameron but they both look hesitant.

"Is that the only reason why you told us not to come close?" Colin asks.

But it no longer mattered as the smoke had now begun to clear slowly revealing more of the opened up space.

I notice the extent of there injuries straight away. This part of the tunnel had been booby trapped.

My dads screams had been when he placed his foot into a metal trap...I knew his pain all too well.

Paul looks to be bleeding in places and I notice the arrows on the ground....this is cruel and crazy.

"If you come near us it could set off another trap. You have to go," Paul says.

"Then what? We some how escape and what? Someone is going to have to risk there life to save you," I say.

"You leave have too. We worry about that part later," my dad says.

I can't believe this is happening...why is this happening?

Why us?

I feel myself starting to panic. My breathing becoming uneasy.

"Arrow just breathe," Colin says trying to help calm me down.

"How can we just leave them," I whisper to Colin but my voice nearly unrecognizable.

"I don't think we have much choice. If we don't get out...there be no chance of saving them at all."

"Fuck...don't say that. I couldn't bare," I whisper.

"I know...that's why we have to go, Arrow. I don't want to just leave them either but we haven't been given much choice here."

"I hate when your right...I love you two so much. Please hold on. We will be back I promise," I speak up now.

"We brave like you always are," my dad says.

"We will be waiting. See you real soon Arrow," Paul smiles at me.

I nod to them before Cameron and Colin help us to move around the area that is booby trapped in hope this way is safe.

We have no idea how to get out of here...and we all know this had been part of Plan B but what else?

How far is Henry willing to go with all this?

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