Chapter Thirty Eight: Be ready!

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Unknown POV

I've never been so afraid than I am now.

Only a week ago, my life began to feel normal. Finally escaping my dramatic and horrendous step dad for good.

Things felt like they could only get better. How wrong I have been to think that could ever be possible.

Luck isn't my friend. If luck had been on my side, life would have gone a whole lot better than it has till now.

Instead, it's been extremely difficult and frustrating, among many other things, but sadly, I think right now in this moment I've never ever felt so scared for my life.

I'm trying to give myself a pep talk inside my head. It's going to be okay, Josh, you been through alot...this is no different.

But hell, I'm kidding myself. How can I survive this? This is impossible...

"You should welcome death. What have you got left to lose anyway?"

I look up from being stuck in my own thoughts at the women in a green outfit. She has a long, strange looking sword in her hand.

"Just because I have nothing left to lose doesn't mean I want to die!"

"You haven't got much choice, sweetheart. I doubt you can protect yourself from this sword. Have any last words?" She asks me so calmly and collectively.

I glare at her... how can someone be so calm about killing someone.

She is right can I protect myself? I don't stand a chance!

"Do you have kids?" I suddenly ask her.

"I don't think that concerns you."

"Imagine if I was your kid and this was happening, how would you feel?"

"Doesn't matter what you say, Josh. I'm going to kill you, and you can't stop it."

Clearly, I can't get through to her that way...

Suddenly, the door to the room bursts open to reveal a young girl and a young man. The girl is completely unharmed but couldn't be said about the young man.

His arm is bleeding, and he has a nasty cut down just above his right eye.

They both look out of breath. The young man's eyes meet mine, and then the women's.

He is quick already by my side before the women in front of me can react.

"Hello, Arrow. I see you have somehow managed to get this far."

I take a closer look at the young man to realise who he is. It's Arrow Sharp, the social worker and the guy that's been on the news a lot.

I had been in contact with Allac, who is his best friend, and runs Embrace with him.

Why is he here? She said you somehow made it this far...what is going on here?

"You all under estimat me!"

"Not quite, Arrow. We did involve you in this for a reason. We thought it would be a lot more fun. Are you having fun yet? Don't worry. If not, I can make it a lot more fun," she smirks at him, raising the sword.

I look at Arrow, wondering if he stands any more chance than I do. The only real advantage is that he is older and has experience in surviving situations that most can not.

Do I now have a chance to survive this?

Arrow pulls a knife out from his belt. "If you call this fun. I call this bollucks. But I'll let you try to have your fun. I'm not holding back," he tells her.

"Brave words, but let's see if you can live up to them!"

She is quick, but so is he. The sword is reflected back with the knife.

I watch in amazement as Arrow swips his leg under hers, making her fall to the ground. He grabs the sword from her with brute force before backing away.

"I had not expected that. Looks like I am the fool today. What are you going to do now, Arrow...kill me?

The young girl looks at Arrow mortified.

Arrow shakes his head at the girl before he smashes the hilt of the sword down against her head, which instantly knocks her out.

He quickly started to search the room before he found some rope.

He ties the woman up the best he can to a chair that is in this room.

"Hi, sorry, I didn't have time to introduce myself, but you already probably know something about me and my name. This is Carly, and there are still twelve more kids in trouble. This is just the start of it," Arrow tells me.

I look at him in shock. "So it's not just me they wanted to kill then. I'm Josh, by the way," I tell him.

"Nice to meet you. Now, can you be brave for me, Josh?" He asks me.

"I will do my best."

"Good, I'm glad to hear it. This is not going to be easy," he tells me as he passes me the knife he had been using.

I take it, looking at him concerned. "This isn't going to get any easier. Use it if you need to. Stay close to Carly. I will do my best to protect you, but if I fail or there is more than one, you may have to try to protect yourself," he says slowly.

"I understand. Thank you."

"Don't thank me yet. But I will try to do all I can to get us all out of this alive. We better go each moment we waste more kids will be getting hurt."

"Stay behind me any sort of danger could be behind this next door. Be ready!"

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