Chapter Three: Join us.

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Arrow's POV

I can never quite understand some people. How they think and how they don't seem to have a heart or much care for others. I see someone hurt, in danger or going through hell and I want to do anything to help. To stop the hero complex as some have called it.

I've seen alot and been through alot. But I will safely say this is up there with what I've had to deal with. Maybe not the worst but definitely causing me alot of sadness, anger and has caused me pain again.

To leave my dad and Paul behind is crushing me inside...but Colin is right. We have to get away first, find some help and go from there. Worry about the rest later...

But I have this horrible feeling in my gut telling me this is far from over. I am concerned what plan B really is and can we some how survive...

My worst fears of the situation came in the form of a smoke grenade.

It landing right at our feet. Colin shoves his hand over my mouth and his own trying to move us backwards away from it.

It's clearly a bit too late for that...

I start to cough, Cameron the same beside me.

"What is it? Its not knocked us out," Cameron says.

"Don't think it's for that. It's to blind us. Which way now? Someone could be sneaking up on us," Colin says his voice shaking slightly.

I take his hand away from my mouth and hold it tight. I've had to face these situations alot on my own. To hold his hand, for him to still be close this time feels extra nice and warming despite the situation.

"I love you Colin Sharp," I whisper.

"I love you too...Arrow. You okay?"

"Yeah...I'm just grateful your here."

"I'm glad I'm here with you too. I don't know how much use I am or if we will survive this...just know I'll never ever regret a thing," he smiles at me.

"Me either."

"Sorry guys...we have company," Cameron informs us.

The smoke is beginning to clear, revealing a group of about six guys and one is Henry's son, Kay.

"Managed to avoid the booby traps then?" Kay laughs.

"What does your dad expect to achieve here?" Cameron asks.

Kay glares at him, "Alot. We really had hoped Plan B didn't have to go ahead. But because you show up we had no choice. Who the fuck do you think you are! That brat needed clencing too and you took him away!"

"Brat? You dare call Luca that. If anyone is a brat it's you," Colin says already looking irritated.

His anger has worsened over the last couple years just like mine. The world making us angry with each day and could anyone even blame us for it?

"What is it that you want?" I ask this time.

"To go through what we went through. To realise being Gay is a sin and it must be eradicated!"

"Is that all your father and you care about? Henry use to love me. I know that but his own father screwed him up which in turn screwed you up it seems," Cameron whispers almost not wanting anyone to hear him.

"Don't make me laugh. You are nothing to father. Nothing. Boys you know what to do," Kay says standing back letting the five other young men step towards us.

I notice the strange looking weapon in each of there hands. I've never seen anything like it.

"Run!" Colin says as he picks me up into his arms and starts to run down another corridor with Cameron right behind us.

"Is that the plan?" Cameron asks.

"For now. The quicker we move the quicker we can find an exit hopefully," Colin says.

"I trust you," Cameron smiles.

Trust us? We have no idea what we are doing. We are being hunted...all because we like the same sex...

I guess some people will never come round to the in the past. Don't want people to live there life how they wish to live it and out to destroy the happiness found even if that is with the same sex.

I miss our kids and I hate to think what this has done to Luca physically and mentally...I can't help but feel this is all my fault. I should of protected him better...listen to my gut feeling.

Colin stops iruptly, losing his footing on the rough ground us both falling to the ground in a heep.

I hold in my pain as I notice the change instantly. The air feels thicker, the smell of something rotten lingering in the air.

Cameron comes to help us off the ground.

"Sorry Arrow," Colin says looking at me strangly.

I try to move myself slightly while Cameron helps Colin up first but I instantly knew something is wrong.

I try move backwards quickly but something wraps itself around my ankle with lightening speed.

I cry out as I felt it digging into my skin. Colin and Cameron noticing what just happened.

"Shit," Colin says as he tries to reach forward to grab my hand but I felt it dig in harder and the pull of it.

I try grab Colin panic dripping me but as I just about felt my hand miss his I'm finding myself being dragged against the ground too fast for Colin to help.

"Arrow no!" Colin shrieks.

As they both become a blur to me I'm dragged around into some sort of strange lit room of blue and gold.

I couldn't do anything but let it drag me until I'm finally let go by whatever it is left in a heep on the damp ground.

My breathing is heavy and unrecognizable. I can barely find any words to comfort myself.

My ankle is screaming at me and my leg but I ignore it looking around the room wondering what the hell is going on...

The crying came first, the haunting screams shortly after ramming into my head, making my thoughts disappear replaced with confusion and sadness.

What is this?

"Welcome Arrow. I think you will like what is next," Henry says as he appears shortly in front of me.

How did he get there? No one was here a second ago.

"Why are you doing this?"

Henry frowns at me. "I thought that was obvious."

"No. You have been taught being Gay or liking someone who is the same sex is wrong. It's not!"

"Once upon a time I was just like you. I didn't understand my father but I do now."

"Really? Is that truely how you feel?"

"Of course it is. Why would I have done all this if I wasn't?"

"Because your scared to reopen those feelings but why? You should be able to love and do what you want," I say to him.

"Is that how you expect to bring me around talking?"

"What else do you expect us to do? Resort to your level of craziness?" I hear Cameron say from behind me.

I look around to find Cameron and Colin looking pleased to see me but also looking heavily worried.

"You are just in time lads. You can join us," he smirks.

Embrace Three (spin of from Acceptance and third in Embrace)Where stories live. Discover now