Chapter Nineteen: Take them both!

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Arrow's POV

Having someone's hand around your throat isn't someone's typical day of fun. Naturally most of my days turn into something of this nature it seems and yet among all of it I really hadn't seen this coming.

A brother...a twin no less and his first reaction is to put his hand around my throat and thinks it be fun to have a fight.

I wouldn't ever call that fun...

I really don't call this fun!

I react quickly trying to remove myself from the danger I am in.

In two quick movements I manage to get him off me and makes some distant between us.

"I wouldn't call this fun," I say to him confused.

"Are you sure? I mean...from what I have heard and can see fighting isn't a miss with you," he laughs pointing directly at my face. "I'm always up for a fight...but unlike you I always win and keep myself in pretty good condition."

"I can see that. I'm not much of a fighter. I rather not resort to violence if it can be avoided. What do you want other then a fight?" I ask him.

"Little brother...your no fun. I want to see what my little brother is made of. What all the fuss is about. Why your always somewhere on the news causing trouble."

"All I have ever done is do right by my  kids and all the other kids that need help. Help those who really needed. I've been through a lot to do that but it comes with the job it seems. It's just in my nature to protect if I can. I don't ask to be over the news or want to cause trouble it just happens," I tell him.

"In your nature...I see. Well now I know that let's see what your made of," he says as he chucks himself at me to attack again.

I step sidewards and take the opportunity to grab the knife attached to his belt.

"Hmm...very smooth. I shouldn't of expected anything less. As you said you have been through alot and probably been in much worser situations I guess but can you keep hold of it," he says as he comes at me again.

I did my best to avoid using the knife but he is quick and alot stronger then I am and even though I don't know this man...deep down I know he is my brother. A brother I didn't think I had...I can't hurt him can I?

And with my mind wondering and my lack of strength he managed to get the knife which caught my arm as I backed away.

"No good little brother. But I guess your stuck wondering what to do. I am your big brother at the end of the day. I'm not going to make this easy...hell you never been around. I barley know why would you give a shit?"

"Same reason why I care about my kids...they aren't biologically mine but I love them as if they are my own. Why would you want to see me if I mean nothing? You must of wanted something from this encounter? I had no idea I even had a one ever told me!"

He sneers at me."I was hoping you could help my boss. He basically my dad. Only family I have. And since realistically you are my family you may what to stick around and help me but I guess that was just a hope that I knew would never happen. So how do you feel about no one telling you? Or better yet how you feel about knowing your parents abandoned me, left me for dead and that could of been you all along. Scary right...parents you love could be like that."

"Your just trying to get in my head. I'm sure there was a good reason!"

"Good reason...of course there was a good reason. They muddle cuddled you from the moment you arrived. I felt it even then. I'm not normal Arrow. I'm special...unlike you! I can remember everything from the moment I was born. People's anger and happiness. Strange feelings consuming me. I attempted to kill our parents when I was just three years old but still I was young and had no idea what I really felt. I was consumed by anger and they didn't help. They just chucked me aside into a mental facility for kids and never came back!"


"Mine are strong and consuming and I felt like I knew so much more then a kid should of known at that age. My boss said you have some strange feeling too?" He asks me.

"Somtimes...I feel danger before it even happens," I tell him the truth.

"Really? The great Arrow Sharp isn't all ordinary after all. Maybe yours took longer to sync in or just wasn't as strong as mine. I'm now really interested what else you feel or do?"

"Nothing that's it's," I begin but his hand is on my shoulder and the knife is against my arm as he lifts up sleeve to notice the scar.

"I heard about this all over the news...I bet it was quite an ordeal...I'm sorry you had to experience such a thing...I also know about the near rape experience," he whispers.

"How?" I ask.

"I know a lot Arrow and some of its from hearing it about it but some of it I felt, saw. I'm not normal Arrow...I never will be. Just by touching you I can feel so much. Upset, anger, worry. Among other stuff. I am sorry little brother that I had never been around to protect you...but you can blame our parents for that for just giving up so easy."

"Ezra...why would you be sorry for not protecting me?"

"We are brothers why wouldn't I feel bad for not being able to protect you? I know at first I came off as a bit strange," Ezra begins as the door starts to rattle heavily.

My feeling seems to do a double take making me feel so sick I throw up onto the floor feeling so uneasy.

Now I'm second guessing if my feeling was about Ezra at all but to who ever is on the other end of this door now.

"Little brother what is wrong...your feeling. No shit! Not her!"

"Her?" I ask confused.

The door explodes, Ezra pulling me back to avoid either of us being hurt.

"Ezra! How dare you keep him all to yourself! Hello Arrow Sharp I've been waiting in hope to meet you one day. So how is he Ezra? Will I be pleased?"

The tall but thin women held herself rather well. Long brunette hair, grey mystery eyes that seem to hold something much more sinister behind them. Her outfit clung to her as if it always belongs there. Tight, blue and sparkling.

"Kim...don't do this," Ezra says as if he is begging her not to do something.

"Oh like him don't you. That is no good!" She shouts at him as if he is a kid.

Her eyes meet my own and my feeling seems to be getting worse...what is so bad about this women?

"Why are you shouting at him?" I ask her before I can stop myself.

"Oh so your not the holding back type. That will make this all the more fun. Grab him!" She shouts behind her.

Two tall huge men come into the room and there eyes fall on me intently.

"! Leave my little brother alone!" Ezra shouts knife in his hand ready to protect me.

"Ezra...back down. You know your boss agreement or will you go against him?" She asks curursily.

"Go fuck yourself bitch! If he even knew you was here right be dead!"

"I highly doubt that you pathetic brat! Take them both...this will be fun!"

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