Chapter Thirty nine: Its only a matter of time

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Arrow's POV

Two words....

Game over!

"This is outrageous. How can someone like you manage to save them all!"

I look at the man in front of me and sigh. "To be honest, I'm not sure. But hell, it wasn't easy."

"Well, they may be all safe for a minute, but now you face me!"

"Why don't you just give up! I mean, these kids are tough. You can't go up against us all!"

"If I take you down, the kids be easy."

"You keep telling yourself that," I say, looking at him, concerned that I'm feeling rather exhausted at this point. My body has taken quite a number of injuries by this point.

"Arrow...don't. We can take him. You can't take much more," Josh says to me.

I look at him with a smile. "I would hate myself if I let you guys get hurt if I can somehow not let that happen, then let me take him."

"You are way too stubborn...yet you're the most bravest man I've ever met. I'm glad I've managed to meet you even in this shit situation."

"Me too," I say to him as I raise the sword. "Let's finish this!"

Colin's POV

My husband will always stand up for what is right. No matter the situation, he will always do everything to help and be the light in the darkness. No one can ever say anything otherwise, and if they do, it would mean they are the ones that need to take a look in the mirror.

I've seen Arrow go through so much and probably a lot more than most in the world, and yet he still gets up and carries on no matter the situation and no matter what is thrown at him.

As I enter the hospital, my heart is pumping so fast I can hear it in my ears.

Ezra puts his arm around my shoulder. "Don't worry, my heart is pumping too fast to. But it will be okay...," he tells me.

How can he be so sure?

Arrow may never come around... We may lose him forever...and my heart just can't handle that...

Arrow's POV

My name is Arrow Sharp. I have been through hell and back again to protect many over the last few years.

Each day has taught me that we live in a very cruel world. Many people with strange beliefs and ideals.

I've been abused, beat up, and come very close to being sexually assaulted and raped among being piniliced for my sexuality.

Unlike most, I've still stood my ground.  Thought back the best I could, and never gave up.

I somehow saved them. All fourteen kids who had been in danger.

I can't quite explain how I managed to. My adrenaline kicked in, and rest is very much a blur to me.

I spent most of my life unaware of my strange feelings or that I shared a close connection with my twin brother Ezra.

I'm proud of what I continue to achieve. I'm proud of the home Colin and I have built and our loving home and family.

I really couldn't ask for a life better than that... yet I've probably suffered more than most.

My body is tired. I'm physically and mentally drained from it all. I never know what is just around the corner.

Even with my luck and my so-called protector of sorts... no one can survive forever.

My luck will run out. It's only a matter of time.

"Dad, you alright?"

I look up from being lost in thought on the sofa. "Tyler," I whisper.

Tyler Sharp. My first adopted son. I still can't believe how grown up he is now. I couldn't be more proud of the young man he is becoming.


"I'm fine. You okay?" I ask him.

"I wanted your advice, actually. I really like this girl... but I'm scared. I've never felt at ease ever since..." he trails off.

"Don't let the past affect you. I know it's hard not to, trust me. I know more than anyone. But if you like this girl, go for it. You have the prom coming up. Are you going to ask her?"

" really think I should go for it?"

"Only if that is what you want but don't let it slip by. You will regret it," I smile to him.

"Dad!" Fay shouts coming into the living room. 

"Fay, why are you shouting...what is wrong?" I ask her.

"Dad...look, I'm sorry for being so forward here. But I think you need you to hear this."

"What is it?"

"Pony tails or no pony tails?"

I look at her in shock before Tyler looks at me with a smirk on his face.

"It doesn't matter. Its what ever you feel is right for you. Why so worried about that anyway?" I ask her.

"Oh, come on dad...I thought it be obvious."

"I'm not sure I follow," I say to her.

"Your dad has been off saving fourteen people and spent two months in hospital sweetie, he isn't going to know," Colin says as he comes through the front door.

"Am I missing something here?"

"She is trying to figure out her style high school is a tough place," Zane laughs who is sitting on the bottom of the stairs.

"I honestly thought there was a problem," I say slowly.

"Nothing to worry about. Just kids for you," Colin smiles as he winks at me.

"Okay...that's good to know."

"Have you seen Luca?" Zane asks everyone.

"He is in the garden practicing for the big match," Tyler says.

I smile. Who could ask for anything better then this family?

I truely love them all. Nothing will ever matter more then them.

They are my whole life and that's why I haven't returned to Embrace with Allac.

I let Ezra work along side Allac for now while I take a proper rest and spend more time with my family.

I don't quite know what the future holds I think that's why I've stopped for a moment and slowed down. Who knows when I will have to survive again or save someone...


He has to be eliminated. He took them all down!

He saved each and every kid!

How can one man manage that?

What is so special about him?

He can't be normal?

Arrow Sharp...I'm going to hunt you down.

I'm going to see why you got lucky....see why your so special.

Before I kill you once and for all. You are a thorn in too many peoples side and I'll be the one to finally destroy you. But first of course I'm going to make you suffer and everyone you love.

Being the hero will be your worst ever mistake, Arrow.

It's only a matter of time.

Embrace Three (spin of from Acceptance and third in Embrace)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora