Chapter Seventeen: Oh...What Joy!

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Arrow's POV

When you become a parent. You will do anything for them. Put your life on the line to protect them, care for them and do all you can for them.

Some don't deserve to be parents. It's how I've gained four amazing kids in my life. They are my pride and my joy. I never knew I would feel so strong about that but I do.

I love them all unconditionally. They are my kids no matter what anyone else says.

I find myself worried and scared because one of my kids is in danger.

My hope to get him out of this disaster has been short lived. The train station is in chaos. One small explosion has stopped all trains, London is truely in a disaster it hasn't seen for years.

The military has arrived, police and a squard that is here to try stop anymore explosions going off but I still don't feel safe.

I need to get Tyler and Oliver away from this as soon as possible and quickly...but how?

None of us are right now....

The floor beneath us shook so hard I easily lost my balance stepping back and losing my footing finding myself on the floor in confusion.

"Dad you okay?" Tyler asks me now beside me offering out his hand.

I pull him and Oliver to the ground as my funny feeling kicked in full speed. I felt the rush of something skimming by our heads.

"What was that?" Oliver asks looking scared.

"We need to get back into the main part of the station up stairs that was someone shooting at us," I inform him even though I didn't really want to tell him the truth but I know deep down they need to know how dangerous this is so they will both take it seriously.

"Get under cover! Quickly!" One of the military men shouts across the station noticing what just happened too.

Of course I can't help but think how that will help...we are underground...where did they even manage to shoot from?

"Get to the escalators but keep yourself low to the ground and watch yourself," I say to them both.

Oliver goes first, Tyler close behind him and me following them closing keeping an eye out of any gun fire.

By this point people start to move, rushing, screaming and panic really kicking in.

My breathing is unsteady now, fearing the worst.

All I have in my mind is to protect these kids with my life.

We finally make the escalators. Oliver and Tyler going first with me at there heels.

We reach the top a short while after. I'm feeling awfully trapped. How do I get these two boys home?

"There...I told you he is here!" I see a man with his face covered with a mask with three other men also with masks on pointing directly towards me.

This isn't good...

"Dad," Tyler says but I can hear the panic in his voice.

"Where are the milatary men or the police now.." says Oliver.

"Tyler I need you to go...take Oliver. Take my phone get to a safe place and call dad. I will never ever be able to live with myself if you both get caught up in whatever this is about..." I say to him as I give him my mobile.


"Do as I say. I love you so much...always remember that," I tell him as I sprint away from them both knowing leaving them is just as dangerous as bringing them with me but...I have to do this on my own even though I'm not sure entirely why it would matter if I'm here or not...but I guess my name and my face has been on the television alot.

That's really the only reason I can think of why they be put off me being here...

I head out the station and take a sharp left towards a side street and right shortly after stopping half way down the alleyway as three men in mask appear at the far end.

I look behind me to see the other mask men I saw in station.


"What is the rush?" One of the masks men ask from behind me.

"I don't know...maybe it's because your chasing me...maybe its because I prefer to keep better company," I let slip through my mouth before I could stop myself.

"Oh...he really does have a mouth on him."

"Stuck up his own ass is more like it," spoke another one of the men who is in front of me not behind.

"What do you want?" I finally ask.

I felt the heavy laughter among the men as if what I had asked must of been a stupid question...

"Arrow Sharp. You have built yourself quite a reputation. I think anyone must of been underground if they haven't heard your name. I'm sure we could dig into all that we know about you but as you can see we are pretty busy."

" why you even bothering me?" I ask.

"Because you maybe young but you like trouble as if its your middle name. Your a risk...a risk I want eliminated!" Booms a voice right beside me.

A tall man now stands right beside me and I hadn't even noticed his presence. He has black hair, brown eyes looking at me in pure curiosity and concern.

"If you wanted me dead...I would already be dead," I say calmly to him not flinching an inch at his comment or him being right beside me.

If he is going to kill me...I know I wouldn't be able to escape that fate with this many men.

I just have to have faith that this isn't my time to die and if it is I hope Colin will look after our kids once I am gone.

"I will give you this Arrow...for someone so young you seem to know so much. You are of course be dead if that is what I wanted. I don't want be a poor decision and a waste on my part don't you think?" He asks me raising his eyebrows at me.

"If that is what you think...what is it you want?" I ask for the second time.

"All in great time Arrow...but first we must stay on schedule...lads let's wrap this up for now," the man beside me says.

Two of the masks men come towards me...I don't like this one bit but right now it's pointless trying to escape or kick up a fuss.

I let them grab either side of my arms and pull quickly but efficiently to a car and chuck me inside.

I didn't get much of a chance to take in my surrounding of the car as something is put over my head and my arms are tied behind my back.

Oh...What Joy!

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