Chapter Nine: No choice

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Arrow's POV

My eyes scan over the letter with Trigger, Paul, Colin and Gile eyes on me waiting for my response or what it maybe about.

My heart seems to sync further and further as I read it. The time I'm done I feel my eyes slightly wet.

"What does it say? You okay Arrow?" Colin asks first.

I look at him and shake my head. "This young boy is in a horrible situation. To deliver this to me must of been a high risk," I tell him.

"What do you mean by that Arrow?" Trigger asks now.

I pass the letter around so everyone can read it. The time everyone finished reading it a deadly silence came us all probably lost in the words written in the letter.

The young boys name is Will Longford. He is fifteen years old and is currently in an orphanage about half hour from here by car. I dread to think how the kid even managed to get here to delivery the letter to me.

He delivered this to me...he said I'm his only hope...poor kid.

"I've got to help him," begin but Trigger cuts over me.

"He does need help and maybe not just him. So don't just go on your own," Trigger says.

"I agree. Maybe we should tell your dad and Allac and plan this one through before rushing in," Paul says looking at me strangly.

I nod. "Yeah sounds like a plan. I won't go rushing in I promise. Trigger your right it's probably not just him..." I sigh frustrated.

"Hey don't worry Arrow...we will do all we can to help him. We all will if we have to right?" Colin asks.

"I'm here whatever is needed besides I can't watch Arrow suffer or go through much more. I'm here for you Arrow always," Trigger nods at me.

"Thank you are a good friend," I smile at him.

And I mean that from the bottom of my heart. Trigger has helped me so much and he has been there for me more times then I can admit. We both miss Dig everyday but we have become closer friends because of his death and I don't know where I would be right now if he hadn't been there for me.

I hope I continue to make you proud Dig...and thank you for being my friend till death I'll never forget you.

Trigger puts his arm around me. "I'm an amazing friend but so are you. I'll always be here if you need me for as long as I live. Hey you never know if I marry this man...I'll probably ask you to be my best no dying on me alright Arrow? You promise me," he smiles.

I smile back at him, "I promise Trigger I'll do my best not too."

" let's get this figured out. Those kids need our help let's get to work!"


Harriet noticed Will's absence but kept her mouth shut. He had said to her if he got a chance he would try get help yet she can't help but feel that there is no hope.

Her most recent experience has left her exhausted and bruised all because she tried to protect the twins...Will had stepped in but now he will suffer instead...but Will said its okay as long as the younger ones don't take the abuse but why do they have too?

They tried to get help before but no one seems to care enough to care what is going on one.

It's heartbreaking...

Will's POV

I lean against the wall. The night air I can feel against my face. I try get control of my breathing...I'm having another panic attack.

God forbid I have an attack in front of them...

I can finally feel myself calming down.

"What you doing out here runt!" A voice breaks through my thoughts.


"I needed some air...I'm sorry," I begin.

"Calm your balls it's just me," Freddie laughs.

I look up to see him standing in front of me. The blackeye clearly visible against his pale face. His blue eyes looking into my own. His brown air slightly over his eyes.


"Hey...what's a blackeye in look like you been through a war...the twins?" He asks me.

"Yeah well...someone has to protect them."

"Yet who protects you...," Freddie trails off.

"We should go back inside."

"You had another attack didn't you?"

I nod. "Yeah but I'm okay now."

"I doubt that...why don't we just try my plan. If we all try and escape..."

"Because you have heard the threats. We may not all get out alive...something sinister and dodgy is happening here Freddie. Can we risk people's life for a plan like that," I say to him.

"I get it...your the one with the brains. You always have been the smartest of us all. I much more can we take."

"Don't worry...if my plan works out maybe not long," I tell him.

"What you hiding? What you done?"

" trust me?"

"I'll trust you with my know that."

"Then just trust me. We will get through this...I promise if my idea falls through...I'll reconsider your plan. But for now I just need you to trust me."

Freddie puts his hand to my cheek. "Alright Willam Longford," he smirks before he kisses me on the lips.

It didn't last long as we are being pushed apart.

"Sorry to ruin your kiss but we got to move...Dickhead is coming!" Harriet shouts at us both.

Fucking Gary....I hate him.

We move quickly through the other entrance of the orphanage and head up the stairs quickly.

We reach the top and pull open the door as I walk right into someone falling back into Freddie.

"Busted," the Twins both laugh.

"You should see your face," Albi smiles. "Hilarious," Albert laughs.

Bloody twins...but god I love them. "We will be if we don't move. Gary is behind us," I say to them which makes them stop laughing before we all head quickly back to our rooms.

"See you soon," I say as I make the Twins get back in there room before I head for mine.

I watch as Harriet and Freddie close there doors as I open up mine.

I feel a hand touch my shoulder which I hiss out in pain.

"Just the young man I wanted to see," I hear Gary's voice.

"What do you want?" I ask without turning around.

"Zagan wishes to see you."


"Yes," is all I get before he grabs me and chucks me over his shoulder while I struggle but fail miserably. "Consider yourself lucky it's just you he wishes to see tonight!"

"Get off me!" I shout.

"Stop struggling or I'll hurt you," he hisses at me.

I'm really not in the mood to see Zagan tonight...but looks like as usual I have no choice.

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