Chapter Twenty Nine: Maybe a little bit

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Arrow's POV

" you don't understand. I have Max here. No I don't think it be wise for him to go back to the Foster family as this time. No I don't think he is lying about this. I can just feel it and see it. I once was just as scared and frightened as he is. No I don't want him to go to another foster family. Why? Because I won't just dump him into another one with out investigating this one and find out what is going on. Who will look after him for now then you ask? I will!"

"Are you sure about that?"

"What is that suppose to mean?"

"We think it be unwise for him to be looked after you at this time."

"Why?" I ask getting frustrated.

"You have been put through alot and already have four adopted kids who let's say haven't always been safe in your hands."

"Fuck you. I've looked after these kids as my own. They are mine I love them and protect them which is more then even biological parents do. Ultimately I can't control all the dangers but I've sure as hell put my life on the line to put a stop to them. This is bullshit and you know it! What is really going on?"

"No need for that lanague Mr Sharp..."

"Tell me why then? The real reason?"

"If you must know...we can't control everything and this is out of our hands Arrow. I'm sorry...he will have to go into a new Foster family for now. Do your investigations we aren't going to take you off this case but it's best he isn't staying with you."

"Why I don't understand?"

"You have alot of enemies Arrow we all know that. I think this will blow up too much if he stays with you. I've done some of my own research. It could really put your family in danger."

"Isn't Max safer with me?"

"Maybe...but are you willing to risk that and put all your family in danger? If what Max said is true his Foster parents are violent...unpredictable."

"I can handle know I can."

"I'm sure you can Arrow but I'm afraid we can't let you look after Max. I am sorry...I know you feel strong about this but its out of my hands."

"Damn it! What the fuck is this shit...your not telling me something!"

Suddenly the phone crackles intently and completely cuts off.

"Fuck...fuck them," I whisper under my breath.

"Bad day?" asks Paul who is standing at my office door.

"Something like okay what brings you to my office?" I ask.

"Our father...he is in hospital. They say kemo just isn't doing enough. They say he don't have long. I'm going up there to say bye I guess. I know me say bye to a man that practically destroyed my childhood and my mums life for so long but we are all only human right," Paul whispers.

"I get that. More then you probably ever know," I whisper.

"How are you doing last time I spoke to felt distant."

"Life is unfair Paul. Ever since nearly dying...then somehow being saved. Why was I saved? But not Dig?"

"Is that why? Don't be an idiot. You think Dig be happy your pissed about that? I know you was close with him, you changed him for the better Arrow. I know you watched him die and was by his side. I was heart broken to see you laying there...I know it hurt more then I can probably ever imagine. But when I got told what happened to you...I realised I really don't know what I would do without you. I'm grateful to who ever this guardian angel is that saved you. Its strange and really unexplainable but if anyone deserved to live another day it's you. Maybe its unfair on others...but Arrow you really don't realise how much you have done for people and what you will do in the future. Taking someone like you from the world too soon really would be a devasting thing. Plus you promised Trigger you would stay alive. So thank your guardian angel and live each day grateful to be able to do what you do best," Paul smiles.

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