Chapter Twenty Three: Quick it is.

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Arrow's POV

Where should I start?

The past few years have been a rollercoaster ride for me. My life twisting and turning in a some what manner of crazy and out of control.

My emotions have been twisted and turned and I struggle to pin point which of my emotions makes sense and which don't.

There is only one clear thing among it all, I don't regret a thing. I would never change the people I've met and the people I've lost.

Each one has had an effect on my life and no not all of them in a good way. Some have completed messed me up inside and caused me alot of pain.

Yet if I hadn't of experienced all those things I wouldn't of gained the good people in my life.

My kids, my friends and now my twin brother. Who would of thought that?

I have a brother...

One thing is for certain. I won't give up and I won't give in. I'll stand tall, I will stand firm in my beliefs. I will love as if tomorrow is my last day and I'll save who I can along the way.

The chaos in London has been brought under control. The man that attempted to take Luca from us is in prison. Go figure this man had a number of crimes under his belt.

Yet I still can't help but think that won't stop him in the long haul but I think it's because of the amount of times the past keeps coming back to us I'm probably way to paranoid now.

Do you really blame me?

I certainly have a reason for it!

Colin insisted for me to take some rest and heal and I decided to listen to him.

Only till Saturday. Its Tyler's birthday and I will not let him down again.

It's now Thursday afternoon. I'm laying quite comfortably on the sofa. The TV on but I'm not paying much attention to it.

"Why do you even have this? If you are going to go to school this has to go permanently. Honestly Tate...I want us to leave that life behind. For our sakes and for Arrow. We don't want to bring any of that shit here. You promise me!" I hear Ezra shouting at Tate from up stairs.

Guessing it's about the gun Tate has. I am aware of it and I did plan to speak to Ezra about it but clearly he knows now.

Stitch our cat which yes Fay decided the name jumps up onto the sofa and lays on my lap.

"You tired? Me too for some reason," I sigh putting my head back on the sofa and resting my eyes.

Didn't take long for me to fall asleep, dreams taking over.

"Everything really has taken it out of him," I hear Colin's voice.

"No surprise to be honest," I hear Triggers voice.

"He will be okay right?" I hear Ezra ask.

"If there is one thing about your brother you need to know is he is the bravest and strongest man I've ever met. He has been through alot more then most and he still gets back up and fights another day. I sometimes do wonder how he does it," I hear Colin tell him.

"Because he is one of a kind," I hear Paul's voice.

"I'm sorry for this," Ezra begins.

"Don't worry about it. We are practically brothers too anything to help."

"It won't come back to him will it?" Ezra asks.

"No. Don't worry it won't. But from here on out I won't be able to protect you or him so best stick to the rules alright," Paul says.

Embrace Three (spin of from Acceptance and third in Embrace)Where stories live. Discover now