Chapter Ten: Has to be something right?

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Arrow's POV

I love my job.

I love helping these kids. I've made it my responsibility too. I could of chose a different profession and at times to be honest I've thought about stepping away. Especially after all I've had to deal with...but I'm never going to be that type of person...I would hate myself if I did.

Not many people would of done what I've done to help these kids and I will never ever regret my choices or helping them. This is what I'm meant to do. I'll never stop helping out or less physically I can't or I'm dead.

It probably means I'll always have to deal with some situations that aren't always going to be pretty or easy but I have people that love me and support me and Embrace who are willing to help. I couldn't ask for better support then I do have.

It took us less then twenty four hours to ensure we be ready to go to the orphanage and save these kids.

We haven't had much sleep and I've had to ask my mum to look after the kids, dog and the cat as Colin didn't want to stay behind.

We are on our way there now...I can't help but wonder what we are heading into and if we can help without getting hurt...

I guess we will soon find out!

Will's POV

His glare freaks me out everytime I see it. His dark grey eyes staring me down. His presence makes me feel uneasy and overly weak.

He has a presence that can make anyone want to walk the other way...shamefully I'm not that lucky...I never get to walk away.

"William how nice it is to see you," he smiles at me while Gary still has me over his shoulder.

"I can't say the same," I bite before I can stop myself...damn my mouth.

"Even after all this never seem to learn," Zagan sneers at me.

"What do you want?" I ask bitterly.

"Don't be like that. Put him down Gary."

Gary drops me harshly to the ground before grunting and leaving the door locking the door firmly behind him.

"You know what I want, William and we know I always get my own way."

"Someday you will suffer for what you have done. You wait," I say still on the ground.

"I doubt that. How do you think I've not been caught up till now and as long as I have these kids will always do as I ask won't you boy?"

"You bastard," I say gritting my teeth now struggling to my feet.

"There is no need for those words. I have raised all you kids. I feed you, I provide to you like any parent does!"

"Yeah but not every parent beats there kids. You stay away from me," I whisper now.

"Let's be fair here. I may have raised my hand to you...but you really are my favourite one. You always have. You are the one that wants to protect those kids when they miss behave at the end of the day."

"I'm the oldest...I don't have a choice but to try protect them."

"Hmm but not everyone would. I've always had a soft spot for never noticed?" He asks raising his eyebrows.

"What?" I ask confused.

"Come on...why do you think I ask for these private sessions? I've given you advice...more then anyone else."

"You are a pervert," I blurt out.

"William...I'm Gay and yes I find you rather handsome for your age. I thought maybe in time you would develop some sort of feelings for me," he smiles sheepishly at me.

"I never will...never! I love someone else," I tell him the truth.

"So what I've done or shown you I'm just a pervert?" He asks.

"I'm a kid....your twice my age! Your hundred times stronger then me...I'm scared of you. I never feel right around you...I hate this."

"I see...well I'm sorry that's how you feel but that doesn't change that I have needs so come here now!" He shouts at me.

I suddenly feel awfully overwhelmed I feel my face going red.

"William you do this everytime. Don't make me do this the hard way," he grunts glaring at me.

Guess what? I made him do it the hard way...yet he still got his way in the end and as I'm took back to my room my body hurts and feels gross.

I argue with Gary that I want to shower before bed and after a full on argument I got my way but he waited outside unsure about my intentions.

My only intentions is to wash...wash away his touch, his smell and as I let the hot water hit my bare skin I held back my screams of pain.

Will this ever stop?


The orphanage is deadly silent. It has been for the last twenty for hours or so and no one had been allowed to see William.

Freddie felt heavily worried. Freddie knew he had been made to go see Zagan...Freddie hates that man with a passion and he is the only one that knows what he does to Will. Freddie would do anything to beat the shit out of that man...he has no right to do what he does.

He also knows that's why it took so long for Will to trust him and his touch and he didn't rush anything within there relationship. Freddie loves Will very much...he is a smart amazing young man being raped and beat...and what can Freddie do?

Let it happen because if he tried to stop it everyone in here would get more then just a beating and Will would never forgive Freddie if that happened. Will has taken upon himself to try protect everyone...

Freddie wants this all to stop...but what can he do? What can he do to stop Will suffering? There has to be something right?

Embrace Three (spin of from Acceptance and third in Embrace)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum