Chapter Twenty Eight: I promise

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Arrow's POV

I stare up at the ceiling. The silence apart from the beeping of machines and the occasional whisper from the nurses and the light snoring from other patients.

I shouldn't be alive. I should of died with that stab wound. I don't think I've ever been so scared in my life then I had when I felt that knife go into my stomach.

Yet its like it almost healed itself, barley leaving anything but a small scar. The blood lost evident but the doctors assumed it to be from the gunshot to my leg.

My mind is going wild, I think I've been staring up at the ceiling for a good few hours now. Sleep no longer wanting to come like before.

I don't know how it's can Ezra and I be that special? It's not my time to go...that's what I got told.

I really can't wrap my head around it all. It just doesn't feel is it Dig had to die but I got saved?

"Excuse me," I hear the person next to me burst through my thoughts.

I look over to the person to notice a young women maybe only a few years older then I am her blonde hair and blue eyes accompanied by a black eye.

"Hi," I manage to say.

"Are you Arrow Sharp?" She asks me.

I look back at her. "Yeah...right erm that's me," I say reluctantly.

"Are you going to be okay?" She asks.

"Yeah I believe there something you need?" I ask her.

She shakes her head. "No. I'm just scared and feeling a bit lonely. I saw you on the TV I just wanted to ask if you was okay. The kids you have saved...not many people would. The world needs more people like you," she smiles.

"Thanks...but I'm fine. What about you?" I ask.

"Ah...this is what happens when I try put myself back out there. Not all people are nice which I'm sure you know."

"All too well. But never give up hope...because among all the craziness you will find someone that's worth it," I tell her.

" are right. Sorry for disturbing you," she whispers now.

"Don't worry about it..."

"Lira my names Lira."

"Nice to meet you Lira. I hope things look up for you," I smile at her.

"You too," she smiles back.


The short conversation with Lira only made Arrow think more and feel more angry about Dig's death. This changes things...why did he get saved but not him!

But soon it would be the least of his worries. Because much is to come for Arrow as the new year approaches.

And it all starts on the first day back to school for his kids after the Christmas holidays.

The Sharp family home full of rushing kids and the smell of tea and burnt toast.

Colin rushing around helping the kids, Ezra burning toast. Tate laughing at him about it.

The dog and cat sharing the dogs bed as if they had lived together there whole lives.

Yet something clearly is still missing.

"Ezra have you seen Arrow?" Colin asks after handing Fay her school bag.

"Beats sleep with him," Ezra teases winking at him.

"If you wasn't Arrow's brother I swear I would hit you," Colin resorts back.

"You love it really. Toast?" He says smirking.

"No thanks. You think he is okay?"

" asking me to check on his feelings?"

"Not as such...don't they just come?"

"Not exactly. I do have away to control it or block it if I need too," Ezra says.

"Forget it I'll just go check on him," Colin says heading towards the stairs.

"Hold up. What's wrong? You seem worried?" Ezra asks him.

"I am worried. But I can't remember the last time I didn't worry about him. I love him I thought I lost him...yet somehow he is still with us. But he doesn't feel like himself at the moment. I think him nearly died really scared him, it scared us all."

"You know Arrow more then anyone. If anything you be able to figure out what's wrong. You don't need my feelings to tell you that," Ezra tells him.

"You are right. Can you just make sure they all good to go why I go check he is okay. Just he usually raring to go to work even more so since he was in the hospital just before Christmas and hasn't been back to the office since then," Colin says as he runs up the stairs towards there room.

He puts his hand on the door handle but he could hear voices inside.

"You should of rang the office not come into my home," I hear Arrow saying.

"I had no choice! Don't you get it...I need your fucking help man!"

"Calm down kid...I get it. I do honestly but I'm not going to be much help right now..." Arrow trails off.

Colin opens up the door looking between his husband and the uninvited guest in there room.

"You okay Arrow?" Colin asks.

"Yeah I'm fine. How did you even get in here?" Arrow asks the kid.

"I came through your window up the pipe...I know I shouldn't of but...if anyone could sort this out its you," the boy whispers.

"Well I'm sure Arrow will do all he can to help you but I agree with him. Don't just come into someone's home and expect to be welcomed in open arms or better yet use the doorbell kid honestly. I began to worry what was keeping you," Colin says.

"I can see that," Arrow smirks at Colin.

"You and your brother have same smirk..driving me mad," Colin laughs.

"Yeah but I bet mines better,' Arrow winks at him.

Colin comes over to Arrow and pulls him into a warm embrace before kissing him on the lips. "You got that right. Alright kid what's your name?" Colin asks.

"Maxamillion but just call me Max."

"If your quick you can have some of Arrow's brother burnt toast," Colin laughs.

"Oh no seriously? Why didn't Tate do the toast," Arrow moans.

"I was preoccupied making sure our kids wouldn't be running late for school."

"Yeah I'm sorry Colin," Arrow begins but Colin stops him talking.

"I'm not blaming you. How's the leg?"

"It's okay...but still not hundred percent."

"Might have to go back to the doctors to just check all is okay," Colin tells him.

"I'll ring them at work I promise."


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