Chapter Twenty Six: Please not now!

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Arrow's POV

Why is it even when I try take myself away from danger it still somehow finds me.

I tried to take on Colin's advice. I really did try to look out for myself this time and danger found me anyway.

It's starting to really get old with the fact that people know so much about me now, it's almost scary.

I really don't understand the reasoning behind this man. But some men want to be in control. They are the so called man of the house. I feel sorry for these two kids...I really do.

Ultimately in normal circumstances even a gun shot to the leg can be painful and dangerous if not sorted out.

Its painful but not compared to some of the brutalness I've been through. Yet I feel slightly drained, slightly light headed from the loss of blood.

My feeling is shouting at me...yet I can't do anything to make it ago away.

How do I get myself into these things? How can't I somehow save these kids without completing failing them or getting myself hurt.

Its really frustrating...

Better yet how do I always end up caught up in disaster away from the people I love and care about.

I really do need to be more careful. I'm just not sure how.

I now find myself handcuffed to some railings in a damp, untidy basement of a small house.

I didn't quite grasp how far we had travelled or how much time has passed since being stuck down here.

I hear the door to the basement being opened before a small amount of light and footsteps down the wooden old steps creaking as if they can barely take the weight.

The uncle appears at the bottom of the steps staring at me creepily with a tray of food, water and what looks like a first aid box.

"This wasn't my idea but Martha brought me around to it. Any funny business and I will just kill you," he informs me as he heads over to me.

"You think I could escape like this? You knew full well if you shot me I couldn't run and I wouldn't easily escape," I say to him.

"True. Still you managed to screw the most successful men. I don't trust you as far as I could throw you."

"Fair enough," I mutter.

And for the most part he is right. Even on the brink of death I somehow had survived alot of situations like this.

Made it out the other side some people would say. In all honesty I don't exactly know how I've managed too. Realistically by this point I should of been dead but some how I'm not.

Somehow among it all I'm still breathing but for how long? I guess that's the real question.

The uncle helps patch me up let's me eat and drink before taking the tray and leaving quickly after.

I guess he wasn't in much of a mood to talk. Me either to be honest so I'm grateful.

Left once more in darkness. I lean my head against the wall my hands uncomfortable handcuffed but somehow I found myself slipping off to sleep.

A loud scream woke me abruptly. In panic I forgot all about the handcuffs and had moved awkwardly the handcuffs digging into my wrists.

"Fuck," I mutter.

Who was that?

"Get the fuck out of my house!" I hear the uncle shouting now.

What is happening up there?

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