Chapter Eighteen: Who would win in a fight?

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Colin's POV

I'm never at all surprised with most things these days. Yet when my mobile went off with Tyler's name popping up...I felt this horrible feeling wash over me even before I answered.

I did my best to stay calm. To listen to everything Tyler told me over the phone but pure panic kicked in. Already getting my stuff together and heading out my office before I had finished the call with him.

Some how Arrow found himself once again in danger and he did what he thought was best and kept Tyler and Oliver out of it. It will always be in his nature to protect other people and I know how much he loves our kids...he would do anything to protect them.

I am on my way into London to pick up Tyler and Oliver. I am worried...London is in chaos so yes I am on my way to collect them on my own but I have made some calls to help me.

I didn't want too...but I can not do this on my own. I wish I could so I don't have to put anyone else in danger but I am sure if I hadn't my friends would be pissed off I went alone.

There isn't much I can do for Arrow right now. I told his dad and Paul and where the kids last saw him and I will have to have faith they can find him. Until then my husband will have to survive what is happening to him right now and to be honest...he is tough. I have faith he can keep himself alive until we can help him.

I have to have hope right?

Arrow's POV

I much rather be back at Embrace helping out kids that really need it but my life doesn't seem to ever run very smoothly.

Naturally when I came up to London to make sure Tyler would be safe...I had no idea I would end myself up in trouble...but here I am.

I can't really tell you how long I got stuck in the car with something over my head for. It felt like ages though.

The time we arrived at the destination my hands already felt uneasy and uncomfortable. I guess that's because they used cable ties or that's what it feels like, quite uncomfortable is an understatement...

I feel myself being dragged out the car, the cold air I can feel against my already sore wrists.

Suddenly I'm dragged harshly to the right and I feel myself fall forward but an arm catches me.

"Be careful...he is no use to us hurt!" I hear the boss say close by.

"Boss...aren't we allowed no fun?"

"There will be plenty of fun to be had this day...but not with him!" The boss says very firmly...I can almost imagine his expression if I didn't have something over my head.

A short while after I feel myself being placed down on something soft.

The thing over my head is taken off to reveal the man in front of me.

"Do you know why I decided not to kill you?" He asks me.

"I guess it wasn't to just have a friendly chat," I say to him.

"Who says we can't have a friendly chat Arrow? But your right that isn't the you know what today will bring?"

"From the looks of it death and detrstruction...and I guess your far from done?"

"Correct young man and guess what? I'm quite intriged what you was doing in the capital?"

"I don't think that has anything to do with you."

He smirks at me. "Anwser the question...I don't have time to beat around the bush here. I run a tight ship and I won't let you delay me," he says firmly to me.

"One of my kids was on a school trip...I had a funny feeling so I came up here to get him," I tell him reluctantly but I know by this point Colin should be with Tyler...

"Funny feeling? How could you of possibly would have had known...tell me more?"

"Not much to tell. I get these feelings and they generally are right. So I listen to them. I don't know why I get them or how they really work."

"I've never heard of such a thing. You really do know how to get my interest. Where is your kid now?"

"With my husband," I tell him firmly.

"I see. I won't waste anymore time for now. Someone will be along shortly and then the true fun will begin for you. My fun is waiting for me. I'll see you real soon though Arrow Sharp I promise you that," he says as he winks at me before he leaves the room and hear it being locked behind him.

My hands are still tied together and my wrists are on fire by this point. The pain starting to make me feel slightly sick but I try ignore it. need to get Tyler and Oliver back home and out the's not safe!!


I can't protect them...

This sudden urge rushed through me...someone is coming...someone evil as they come...the feeling is making me shudder inside.

I hear the door click open...I look towards the door as it opens up to reveal a young man about the same height as me, but the part that made my mouth drop open is how similar his features are to mine. For a split second its almost looking at my own reflection.

Yet this man hasn't got any scars on his face, his face looks handsome and untouched unlike my own.
His clothes all black, tight jeans showing his skinny legs.

He smirks right at me..."Hello Arrow. Its been a long time I never thought I'll get to finally be in the same room as you let alone being alone with you," his voice echos through the room as he slams the door closed.

His voice...sounds almost identical to my own...what the hell is going on?

Is this real?

Am I dreaming?

Did I pass out?

"My bad...this must be a bit of a shock for you. My name is Ezra Edward Fort and I live and breathe for the man that took me in...when I got see even the people closes to you will lie to you all your life. I'm sure you will have loads of questions...but first I'll anwser the most simple one of all. Yes I am your twin brother...and I felt your presence the moment you entered the almost bring off this ray of light and happiness to you. Its kinda sickening."

I look at Ezra...I can't quite pinpoint what his game is...but I don't think he lying.

He looks so like me...why would my parents never tell me about this?

Yet...I don't think I would blame them. I can feel this horrible evil intent coming from him. Complete opposite to me and my feeling is telling me to run a mile...

Ezra suddenly lunges himself at me pinning me to the bed with my throat.

"Now I've cleared that up little brother let's see who of us would win in a fight? It be fun," he laughs looking into my eyes so intently.

Embrace Three (spin of from Acceptance and third in Embrace)Where stories live. Discover now