Chapter Thirteen: Help is coming!

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Arrow's POV

If I'm being totally honest with you. I had no idea if I would ever wake up again and if so in what state.

Not the first time I've been consumed by darkness from falling what I take to be a great height but the flooring caved in...this almost felt more dangerous and more unpredictable then last time.

Not just for me either...the kids and everyone else in the building.

It felt all too quick, I know I blacked out before even hitting the floor but why? I can't quite grasp why...

Things are slowly coming back to me, I felt the pain as I felt myself coming around.

I try open my eyes which took alot longer then normal.

But I finally managed it. I feel my lungs already screaming at me at the lack of oxygen.

Will is beside me with Freddie. Will looks mostly okay apart from he has a nasty cut on his face. Freddie looks like he hadn't been so lucky.

Will must of wrapped his jacket around his arm for support.

"Not as bad as it looks," Freddie says when he noticed me staring.

"Don't look that bad," I croaked but my voice felt and sounded strange.

"Take it easy..." Will says looking up.

Above us is a lot of uneven rubble and from the looks of it, it looks like it could crush us at any second.

"This isn't safe," I say to them.

"We know we are lucky to even be alive. I don't know what happened Zagan or his men," Will says.

"We think you took a nasty hit to your head. There is dry blood on the back of your head..we didn't even know if you would wake up. Your leg looks pretty busted up too," Freddie informs me.

His words didn't surprise me...last time I fell it had been similar injuries...but how do I somehow keep surviving these very dangerous would of thought by now death would of took me.

I look at the kids...but I'm truely grateful I'm not. So I can try save them.

"I need to get you two to safety."

"We not too bad. We more concerned about you," Frdddie and Will say at the same time.

"Right...well either way we need to get out of here."

Freddie and Will do there best to help me to get to my feet. I feel unstable on my feet but after a few moments it felt better enough to be able to walk.

Will stays close to me encase I need some help but I seem to be doing okay as long as I ignore the pain we will be okay....I hope.

It didn't take long to come to realise that it's hard to see much and that a way out isn't clear.

What do we do?

Colin's POV seems to follow us all in some shape or form. And yet...I didn't see this coming.

"You alright Colin?" Trigger asks me.

I sit up slightly looking at him with a frown. "How are we not dead?" I ask the question lingering in my head.

When the building collapse...I thought surely I can't survive something like this for a second time...and yet here I am.

Yet just cause Trigger and I are Arrow? Is Gile?

Is Paul and Arrow's dad okay and what about all the head hurts but maybe that is because of the fall.

"Beats me...luck. You hurt?" He asks me.

"My head hurts...and I think I may have hurt my side it feels a bit painful," I tell him.

"Let me take a look," he says as he comes over to me but I notice him limping.

"Are you okay?" I ask him with raised eyebrows.

"Ah I think I sprained my ankle...could of been worst I guess," he smirks at me.

"You are a strange man," I tell him.

"So I've been told," he says as he reaches me.

As I try show him where it hurts we both notice the hole in my top and the small amount of blood present.

He lifts up my top to reveal a small piece of metal imbedded in my skin.

"I'm not pulling it out," he informs me. "If I do you could lose too much blood. That we will leave to the professionals."

I nod to agree. "Yeah I'll just deal with it. You any idea how we to even get out of here? It's like we are almost buried."

"Yeah that's exactly it. Realistically we should be dead...I guess it's not our day yet. Lucky huh? We just have to try see if there is a way and if not we better get screaming."

"You call this lucky," I joke with him.

"Could be dead so I guess I do," Trigger smiles at me.

"I'm glad your here," I tell him.

"Me too. Now come on let's see what options we have."


The orphanage building had completely collapsed. Many hadn't even had the chance to escape as the first floor caved in.

Paul and Arrow's dad tried to take control of the disaster. Fire brigade and professionals to help find any survivors.

Arrow's dad pacing up and down horrified at the situation. His son hadn't made it out neither had Gile, Colin, Trigger. Most of the kids they had already got out the building but they can't be sure they got them all.

This is bad...and Arrow's dad really doesn't know if he can take that they are dead...please be alive under there somewhere. Help is coming...

Embrace Three (spin of from Acceptance and third in Embrace)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz