Chapter Thirty Four: You get out!

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A plan will help in most situations, and better yet, a plan will help towards what you want to achieve.

Steve didn't know about everything about Arrow, and he had no idea about that he had a twin brother.

Yet the man he had teamed up with clearly knew a lot more than he did. The plan is a genius one at that.

Steve will make Arrow suffer, and from the looks of it, he already is. Shamefully, the fall didn't kill the twin brothers, but they certainly won't make it out alive! His revenge for his brother will finally be done, and he can truly move on.

Finally, be at peace over his brothers death.

This next part of the plan will be the best part!

Arrow's POV

No matter how much I have been through and continue to go through, you never quite get a handle on dealing with the pain.

The pain can sometimes effort your judgement, disorient you, and leave you feeling drained.

Today is no different. Today, in fact the pain seems to be worse, and I'm not entirely sure why.

Using Ezra for support is only slowing us down, and yet without it, I don't think I could even walk without collapsing.

Every part of me feels on edge, and I know for a fact that Ezra feels the same way.

Sometimes, I still find it so strange that I have a twin brother and that he can pick up on my emotions. It makes it extremely tough to hide anything from him. In this situation, it would be easier if he didn't because right now, he is pissed off and upset that he can't do much to help until we get out of here.

I miss my kids and Colin. All I really wish is to be back beside them. The day I went to work and got stuck in traffic, I had no idea it would lead me to this. Yet I shouldn't ever expect anything different because generally, my day never pans out the way I think it will.

Ezra suddenly stops. "Arrow... something is wrong. This feeling is starting to drain me. Can you feel anything?" He asks.

I look at him and sigh, "Yeah ever since before the fall, but worse since being down here. My feeling screams at me, but I can never really tell why. I know it means danger, but I wish there was a way to predict what danger."

He nods his head. "Yeah, same here. I don't even know if we are going the right way. Honestly... how do you deal with this all the time?"

"How did you deal with your life? It's not exactly like your life has been easier or not dangerous?"

"Yeah, well, I was brought up in danger little brother. For some time, I myself was the danger. I've felt your emotions. I've heard a lot of what you have gone through and seen. Not many would still be able to get up and fight for what is right after all that."

"I'm sorry I never knew," I say quietly.

"No... I'm sorry. I knew, and I did nothing for a long time. I'm just glad I can be here for you now. Don't worry, I'll get you home to your beautiful family," he smiles.

I smile at him, but deep down I feel exhausted. Deep down, I can't help but think maybe my time to live and save people is over. Out of luck, as they say and shamefully some small part of me wishes it would come quick. It would be a heaviness on my shoulders lifted.

No more pain.

No more worry.

But for hell, even if a small part of me feels that way, I really won't go down without a fight till my very last breath.

For my husband, for my kids. For my brother who risked his life to come save me.

"Arrow, can you smell that?" Ezra asks me.

"Smell what?" I ask, confused.

Something lands in my shoulder with such force. I'm pushed backwards slightly but Ezra is quick pulling me to the floor, pulling out what looks like a wooden arrow. Oh, how ironic.

He is ripping his jacket off and wrapping it quickly around my shoulder firm and tight.

"Bastards. They think this is funny? I'll kill them. You hear that!" Ezra shouts loudly, his anger clearly building rapidly.

"'s okay. I've had worse," I tell him.

"I don't give a shit. Doesn't make it right!"

"You think if you were Steve and say I got killed trying to help someone else, you would want revenge too?"

"I'm not a dick like him. That was a friend protecting a friend. That is different. It's not your fault that Dig died. This is utter bullshit!"

I see it clearly now that the smoke is slowly filling the area.

"They going to smoke us out and make us blind. Fuck..." Ezra says, looking worried.

Tyler's POV

"Someone is following us," says Tate to me.

"How you know that?" I ask, confused.

"Do you forget what life I come from? Why are you following us! What do you want!" Tate demands.

"I like you already, kid, but you are both out of your depth. This place is not for kids," I hear a voice I know.

"I'm not any normal kid," Tate begins.

"Don't I know it. Do you think this is what your dad would want Tyler?"

"Trigger...what are you doing here?"

"Dig...this situation is out of hand. Steve, the man who is the reason for all of this, was Dig's half-brother. A shit brother may I add. This is some excuse to make him feel better about his brothers death, but it's bullshit. Dig will be turning in his grave over this and telling me to move my ass and protect Arrow. That's why I am here!"

"I had to come. It doesn't matter if we are just kids. He is my dad...," I trail off.

"I know you just want to protect and save your dad. I get that Tyler, but he won't be happy if you are put in danger too. Let me handle this," Trigger says to me.

"No way! Not when I'm this close to Ezra again. I can't lose him!" Tate says.

"You won't lose him. I will sort this out. But I can't let you two put yourself in danger. I really don't want to put Arrow and Ezra through you two getting hurt."

"We are here now. Why don't we all just find them and get the hell out of here. I'm not going back without them!" Tate says.

"You are way too stubborn."

"I'm not going back either," I tell him.

"I already tried to stop him's no good," Tate mutters.

"You two need to promise me. If it gets too dangerous, you run. This is not a game. This is dangerous, and I will not let anyone die today!" Trigger says firmly.

"Alright... we get it. Can we go now? They could be getting hurt right now!" Tate says.

"Let's go, but I'm in front and any sign of danger you get out!"

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