Chapter Forty Two: Fucking shot!

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Arrow's POV

I have never felt so in control than I do now. I've always felt out of control in my life. Unable to stop terrible things happening.

Unable to protect the people I love or someone I just met. Unable to protect even myself. I am unable to control my emotions and my sexuality. I even felt out of control when I got outted by my sister. Everything has always been out of control.

Even tonight, I couldn't quite control my emotions, but suddenly, we have the advantage, and I'm actually able to try to protect the people I love with everything I have.

I feel like my guardian angel is right by our side. Saving myself from even more pain and suffering.

My feeling is usually screaming at me, but I can barely feel it right now. Is this a good sign?

Zane comes running towards me. What the hell is he doing here?

"Zane, why aren't you back with your other brothers and sister? It's too dangerous here!" I shout at him.

"Arrow," Ezra says, pulling me back from Zane.

"What you doing?" I ask him.

"That isn't Zane... I'm sure of it."

"What?" I ask, confused.

"You took him away from me!"

I look at who I thought to be Zane but realise that Ezra is right.

He looks similar to Zane a lot. But the more I look at him, the more I realise it isn't him.

"Do I know you?" I ask him now.

"No... but I'm Zane's little brother."

"How is that possible? Zane's parents got killed, and he got kidnapped," I say to him.

"I never lived with our parents. I live with my uncle. You scooped him up and took him away from me...I've been trying to find him for months."

"I didn't know...he never mentioned a little brother."

"Maybe because he never really thought much of me as a brother. I did abandon our parents, I guess. But I couldn't deal with it anymore," he whispers.

I grab the kids arm and move him out the way, firing an arrow at an attacker saves him.

"Do you have a name?"


"We can talk about this, but right now isn't the time for this. Why would you run into this chaos?"

"I don't know...I don't feel so well," he whispers.

I watch him falling. I catch him in my hands, letting the bow and arrow disappear as quickly as I had made it come.

"Phoenix...," I whisper.

I'm suddenly feeling like I'm not in control again...what is going on!

"We need to get him out of here. This is no place for a kid," Ezra says. 

"Something is wrong...phoenix?" I say trying to wake him but its no good. 

Out of nowhere my feeling suddenly appears making it hard for me to gasp for air. Ezra suddenly looks really drained.

"Danger!" Ezra shouts. 

Flash of light fills the area, I can't see a thing. What the hell is this...I feel myself losing continuous. 


I open my eyes trying to figure out what is going on. I feel exhausted. First thing I notice is Phoenix is no longer in my arms. Panic soon grips me as I come to realise I am chained to a chair of some sort. 

I try summon my power, to try get myself out of this situation but its no good nothing is happening. FUCK!

I'm not in control!

"Hello Arrow."

I can barley see two metres in front of me, but a can faintly see a light appear to reveal a tall rough looking man. He must be in his late fifties. 

He has a broad build, brown hair and grey eyes looking at me in a strange way. 

"Where is my brother and phoenix?" I ask. 

"Shouldn't you ask me something else," he sneers at me. 

"Where are they?" I ask again. 

"I see. Well lets say they are preoccupied at the moment. I needed to isolate you from everyone else."

"Why is that?" 

"Arrow Sharp...I thought that would be incredibly obvious."

"Not to me. Enlighten me."

"You have had and continue to have many enemies young man. Yet somehow through it all. Here you still are. Alive...its not just luck. I think we both know that by this point and I couldn't let that pass me by. I am going to put to the test how much protection you truely have. If I have to I will break every bone in your fragile body. Its already been through the wars...really how much more can it take. If you have anything to say I'll say it now. Because regardless of the really will not be the same man once I'm done."

I look at do I get myself in these situations. Yet I feel like this isn't entirely my fault. I didn't ask to be different or to have these powers or someone to protect me. I have for the most part tried to do the right thing. Yet I have made plenty of mistakes. 

Everyday I do wonder if this will be my last day? Because this man is right...Why am I still alive? Why do I get to live another day? 

But...who else could of gone through what I have and still be remotely still there. Most people would either be in a mental hospital or would of taken there own life. I am not everyone...I never will be. Regardless if I asked for it or not I am different. I do care. I will put my life above someone else. 

My pain will never truely be over. I'm facing a man who will do everything to break me...its not the first person who wanted to do that either. Most people would at this point ask for a quick death...not me. I will not beg and I will not go down without a fight. 

"I am Arrow Sharp. Give it your best fucking shot!"

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