Chapter Six: No more then I deserve

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Two Months Later

After the events that happened underground everyone found themselves having to heal and not just physically.

Arrow could see how much what happened effected Colin. Seeing someone dead can do that to you.

They had become to know Cameron and how much he had helped them including saving Luca.

Arrow and Colin didn't even have a chance to thank him for all he had done for them.

The last explosion hadn't been planned and even now no one knows who had set it off. Its a mystery but who ever did is to blame for two mens death.

Kay got pulled from school because his dad's reputation would cause too much commotion at the school for him and his dad's death will take time to heal from. Of course he also had been involved in the whole thing but Arrow didn't want him to suffer the rest of his life for it and hopefully he will come to know right from wrong in the future.

Arrow's dad is doing well, his ankle has healed well. Paul has made a good recovery too.

Arrow is just happy they all managed to get out of there thanks to Trigger and Gile but deep down Arrow is angry that Cameron didn't and no real justice has been found for his death yet.

He knows his dad is doing all he can but doesn't seem to be a hint of anyone admiting to it or any sort of lead. Almost a lost cause...

It's the end of October, the weather becoming colder, the days getting darker.

Adam suggested doing a Halloween party at Arrow's and Colin's House.

At first they both said no but their four kids brought them around pretty quickly.

They said it be good to have some fun and get everyone together.

Arrow's POV

I lock up the door to Embrace as Allac and I leave work for the evening.

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow evening," Allac smiles at me.

"Yeah hopefully it be a good evening," I say to him.

"You sure you are okay? You been really quiet today," he says to me.

"Yeah...I know. I'm fine. Thinking too much I guess."

"Well stop overthinking. Try just enjoy life for once okay. You better be drinking tomorrow," he says to me.

"I don't know. I'll see how I feel," I tell him.

"Arrow...what is wrong? You know you can tell me anything right? It's not this case we are on at the moment?"

I shrug my shoulders. "I don't know. I can't quite explain it myself. But you know me...I'll be okay," I tell him softly.

"You want me to drive you home?"

"No. I want the walk to be honest," I tell him the truth.

"Is everything okay at home?" He asks puzzled.

"Everything is fine. I just sometimes think I could be there for the kids a bit more. I mean it's already nearly eight," I say to him.

"Yeah I get that. That is while I'm offering to drop you home."

"It's only a ten minute walk so it's no big deal," I say to him.

"If you are sure," he says as we arrive by his car.

Suddenly a cat runs out from under his car meowing at us intensely.

I take a closer look to see it's paw is bleeding. With some struggle I manage to pick it up. No collar...

"Strange. Arrow...its not your job to help everyone," he sighs.

"It's hurt and don't look like anyone else cares. How can I just leave it here in pain," I say slowly.

"Fine but now I'm definitely dropping you home since you have picked up a stray," he smirks at me.

"Oi...but fine. I guess I'll be taking the lift after all," I smile back at him. 

The cat is a mix colour of gray, black and brown. For the most part looks like a tabby cat but it also has hints of white. I wouldn't say it's a kitten but probably not that old yet. Did it just escape from a house and that's why it doesn't have a collar or did someone just leave it to defend for itself?

Either way I can't leave it out here. Just great...Colin's going to love me!

The drive home is quick and silent. I finally climb out of Allac's car. "Thanks for the lift. I'll see you tomorrow," I smile to him.

"Yeah see you tomorrow Arrow. If you need to talk before then or any help just give me a call okay," he said looking at me sadly.

"I will don't worry about me okay. I'm fine," I tell him as I close the car door and walk into my front garden and up towards the door with the cat in my arms. It has fallen a sleep in my arms. Must be shattered the poor thing.

I know how it feels.

As I approach the front door it opens up to reveal Colin looking at me and to the cat in my arms.

"I can explain," I begin.

"I'm sure you can. I've been trying to ring you. You have a visitor," he says as he takes the cat from me before kissing me on the lips. "You can explain later. I guess the cat needs its paw looking at," he says to me.

"Yeah if you don't mind. Who is here to see me at this time?" I ask.

"You will see," he says as he let's me walk through the door before closing it behind us. "They are out the back," he informs me.

Tyler appears from the kitchen holding a beer bottle but he quickly hands it to me. "Dad said you might need this," he smiles at me.

"Really?" I ask puzzled looking at Colin.

"Trust me," Colin says.

"Aww what happened to you little one," Tyler says placing his hand on the cat to stroke it.

"I'm not sure. Take care of it," I say as I take a swig of the beer before I go into the kitchen and open the back door to head out into the garden.

I close the door behind me. I look over to the table and chairs to find someone sitting I guess waiting for me.

The figure turns to me with a smile. "Hey there Arrow. It's been too long."

Ah...I see why Colin wanted me to have the beer. I take a bigger gulp of it as I sit down at the table.

"Not long enough it seems. What are you doing here?" I ask.

"Don't be like that. I just wanted a chat," he says to me.

"About what exactly?" I ask.

"Is that anyway to speak to your dad," he begins.

"Your not my dad. Father at a push. So if you want a chat get on with it. I haven't got all night," I say harshly.

"I needed to see you, Arrow. One last time before I go," he says.

"What does that mean?"

"I'm dying Arrow. I guess it's no more then I deserve."

Embrace Three (spin of from Acceptance and third in Embrace)Where stories live. Discover now