Chapter Twenty: He is

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Ezra's POV

A little brother...and he is more then I could of ever hoped for. I bet he don't like me...I did come off as strange and tried to strangle him but I just wanted to know what he can take or do.

But yet I sort of already knew. Arrow Sharp...what I would of done to have been him and not me. But overall he probably has been in much more life threatening situations then I have. I can feel the fear behind his expression. I can feel his pain but something seems to push that all aside. Happiness, love and kindness holds strong in his heart. It comes off so powerful.

It's strange to look at him because he looks exactly like me. It's only his scars that you could tell us apart.

I keep the knife firmly in my hand. Looks like I'm going to have fight seriously now.

Arrow has been through enough...I can't let her do anything to him. No and also I know he has a husband and is gay. This could really fuck him up...I won't allow it!

"Go for it! Because you won't beat me!" I shout at her and her goons.

My anger is growing stronger but I can also feel Kim's emotions and its making me feel sick inside.

"Get those thoughts out your head! He is married!" I shout quite ruthlessly.

"Such a freak...always will be Ezra. I'll think and do whatever the hell I like. Don't just stand there get them!" She demands as if talking to two naughty children not listening.

I look at Arrow who seems to be lost in his own thoughts. Does that happen often?

Or is it his feeling he gets? He had already been sick from it...does it come off that strong?

Almost as strong as mine maybe?

The two men hadn't moved looking between and Arrow.

"What are you two doing? Are you deaf!" Kim shouts.

"I think its a bad idea," One of them says.

"And when has your opinion ever mattered. You have never question my demands before," She says confused.

"That is because I have the upmost respect for you my lady but I can't quite go ahead with this order. You know my personal preferences and we all know this young man is married and gay," the man states his voice slightly shaking.

He actually has some sort of sympathy for my brother? Not once has he ever questioned Kim before...

"Oh for god sake! What are you saying then?"

"Let's leave the boys alone. They spent there whole lifes without knowing each other. You have plenty of other people you can find that pleasure in," he says to her looking worried that she is going to go off on one.

She sighs loudly. "Fine. As you have always been by my side and always have had respect for me. I'll let this one slide...It's your lucky day Ezra. Let's go," She says leaving the room with her two goons going after her.

"Arrow are you okay?" I ask him.

He looks at me. " sugar levels are dropping," he informs me as he falls forward but I catch him quickly.

"Shit...of course. Don't worry little brother I'll get you what you need!"

Arrow's POV

Time slows down sometimes. You almost don't feel like your in the moment. Almost like having outter body experience.

It's scary and a awful thing to experience like your looking at yourself from above or from the side.

And suddenly your back in the moment and your body is screaming at you that something is wrong.

Darkness consuming you before you can really do anything to fix it...

I open my eyes which only felt like a moment but I know its probably been longer then that.

I find myself laying in a bed. Ezra is a sleep in a chair next to the bed and a young male is standing by the door. He is wearing a track suit, blond hair and blue eyes.

"Ezra told me about you. Many times may I add. He always wanted to meet you but never really knew how too. Yet you on the other hand had no idea he existed...I bet you have mixed emotions about it all. But know this...he is a great person deep down. He had always been the big brother I needed. He practically looks after me in so many ways. I would of lost my way without him but I saw it in his eyes when he came rushing here to get you help. He really does want to make it up to you. Be the brother he could never be for you. I know what he tried to do to your parents...mental right...but he was so young and all those emotions consuming him. He just needed he had to get else where in the end. I know this comes off as pushy or too forward but how you get those scars? Even the one on your arm," the young kid asks curiously.

I look at my arm that isn't covered up as my top has been removed.

"Didn't you see the news?" I ask him.

"Not really...don't watch much TV best not to in this kind of field if you get what I'm saying."

"I got taken...he engraved his name into my arm among other stuff there's not much else to say but that. The scars on my face is because my uncle decided it be good to get me caught up in his shit and Adam did it to me. But I forgave him and we actually really good friends now he just got caught up in my uncles shit too. And a man called Kilma decided to finish what Adam started. The rest of them well it be too much to try pin point when they actually happened," I tell the kid.

"I see. How you feeling now?"

"Better then I did I guess."

"You probably need to eat something. I'll try see what I can do," the kid says as he leaves the room.

Ezra stirs in his sleep before he opens his eyes and yawns.

"Your you feeling?"

"Okay I guess."

"Where is Tate?"

"The kid? He said he try get some food. Of course after telling me about you and basically being the big brother he needed. Oh and let's not forget that question everyone asks."

"What question?"

"Most people can't help but ask or point out my scars," I say to him.

"Of course he did. Nosy git," Ezra smiles.

"Curious I would of said," I smile back at him.

"Yeah your already trying to defend him. Now you know my problem."

"He seems like a good kid."

"Yeah...he is.

Embrace Three (spin of from Acceptance and third in Embrace)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora