Chapter Thirty Six: Don't even try us

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For the most part, the world is many things full of different ideals and people. Some people get very lucky in life, and others don't.

Arrow and Ezra have been through a hell of a lot during their short twenty-three years, and many would even ask how they are still alive.

The twins are in fact very special and hold a gift many do not. Some would say its because they are twins and can feel each others emotions, but it goes far beyond that.

Arrow officially should have died. But something or someone had saved his life. But who and why? What made him so special that he had to live another day?

For obvious reasons is the fact that many others would have continued to suffer without his help. He built a business and loving home for lost kids in desperate need. Yet the real reason for his life is still to come. Arrow Sharp has much to do for the world, and it all begins with one simple thing.

The next part of his journey will be the most important of everything else. Without Arrow, everything will start to fall apart and that just can not happen.

So buckle in because this next part of his journey will not be an easy one...

Two months later

Arrow couldn't quite believe he had made it out from undergrand that day, but with Trigger's help, it had felt like a walk in the park.

It just feels like yesterday it happened, and yet it had been two months ago now.

Yet Steve and the man they never got a name from escaped before the police had arrived, and they still have not even been found.

It leaves this horrible feeling inside Arrow even now that the worst is still yet to come.

Arrow is feeling tired, fragile and not up to much even after two months. He has only been doing a few hours a day at work to try to repair himself from the experience. His leg is a lot better now, but it's still not one hundred percent now.

Arrow couldn't possibly know what is yet to come, but his feeling is always there telling him something bad is around or is going to happen and he can't shake it off no matter how hard he tries too.

Ezra has a similar feeling, and even he is on edge at the moment.

What could be around the corner, and why is this feeling so bad?

Arrow's POV

My name is Arrow Sharp. A name that has been plastered over the news so much its hard to know if anyone doesn't know my name and my face.

Over the last few years, I've faced a lot of danger, pain and sadness I couldn't quite possibly begin to explain to you how I have got through it.

I've had to put my life on the line for the people I love in the hope they would be safe and, for the most part in the end they have been. Except you, Dig. One person I couldn't protect or save because you came to help me save my kids.

If anyone deserved a second chance at life, it was you. I miss you every day of my life, and everyone keeps telling me it isn't your fault.

It isn't my fault... but it is. You died because you came to help me. No one is to blame for that but me.

I know why Steve wanted me to suffer and die. Yet even if it was my fault, I'm not on this earth for myself. I am here to protect my family and kids who need help.

I am not perfect, but I will always try to put my life above others and protect them.

I want to tell you why I'm telling you this. Why I'm trying to explain how I feel about everything.

I find myself again in danger. It's not been long since being stuck underground only two and bit months ago.

My feelings had been screaming at me for the past two months.

Maybe I should have seen it coming. There had to be a reason why I survived and had not died that day when I got stabbed.

I feel this is the reason why.

The only problem is I'm on my own. No backup, not even from my twin brother.

I am very much on my own, and I don't have a lot of time.

I'm trying to keep myself from panicking. Trying to keep my head clear but I can't not with all these feelings inside me.

Come on can do this!

I struggle to my feet clinging to the wall for support.

I just can't get it around my head how I am going to save's not like its one or two.

Fourteen kids are in moral danger from countless things here. I'm there only chance. A twenty three year Old man who is only here because the group thought it be incredibly funny to have the so called hero fail at saving them.

Sick bastards.

Let me take you back two days ago and this might make a lot more sense.

Two days ago

Today at work has been incredibly quiet. It's almost odd. It's never this quiet.

I found myself leaving work early. I grabbed a late lunch and found a nice quiet spot in the park.

I slowly eat my sandwich, enjoying the birds singing. It feels so peaceful.

I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket as I finish my lunch and throw it in the bin next to the bench.

As I go to pull out my phone from my pocket, I feel this horrible gutrenching feeling inside me.

I noticed the three figures approaching me. This isn't good...

"I wouldn't try to think of a way of getting out of this one. I know you are no fool, Arrow Sharp. Besides it be in your best interest to come with us quietly. If you wish to save them," I hear a voice right behind me.

I feel the gun hit my back harshly. I grit my teeth. It had been so quiet, so peaceful. Maybe I should have realised something was wrong.

"What do you mean save them?"

"The kids, of course. You are the hero right?"

"I don't understand?" I ask, confused.

"We plan to destroy this town. Its starts with fourteen kids, Arrow. We couldn't go ahead without bringing you along for the ride,hero!" Says one of the figures who now stands in front of me.

"Why do you want to destroy this town?"

"It won't just be this town. It just starts here. We will do this across the whole country in the end, and we will succeed. We had to start here, though."


"Because of you. We want everyone to know that in the end, you couldn't even save them. If you can't save them, no one can. Don't look so uptight and pissed off. it's not a great look on you. Now let's get a move on so we can start the fun. Trust me Arrow Sharp if you don't not only will you have fourteen kids lives on your hands I will fucking hurt your family. So don't even try us!"

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