Chapter Twenty Five: Oh boy

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Arrow's POV

I climb out of the passenger seat looking at the small village Allac just drove us into.

After a short discussion with Colin, making the arrangements and Ezra convincing me to come along we had finally made it to Devon this late evening.

On our journey here somehow Ezra has almost convinced both of us that he could help us out at Embrace. Tate had been very reluctant to him coming and even suggested he should come too but I was quite clear I wouldn't risk bringing him encase something bad happens.

I generally know how these things go. I rather not risk anyone getting hurt more then I have too.

Allac and I said to Ezra we would think about his suggestion. I just not entirely sure about it. I guess only time would tell and today would help me figure out if he be any help towards what we need to do.

Problem being is, he doesn't have much experience and Allac and I have qualifications were as he doesn't. Which is going to make it tricky.

We grab our bags from the boot and book ourselves into the bed and breakfast nearby.

Once we got our stuff in the room we leave and head towards a small looking building a lady waiting outside smiling as she sees us.

"You made it."

"We did. It wasn't too hard to find I guess," Allac says.

"Great. You found the bed and breakfast okay?"

"Yeah no problems there. If it's okay I'll like us to head back over to the relatives house. You said you have a warrant now to be able to search it? I ask her.

"Yeah we got the papers let me lock up and we can go straight there. I'm so worried," she tells us.

"That's why we are here. We will do all we can to find Van and Belle."

Fay's POV

Trouble. For most of my life that's all I've seemed to have had to deal with. Even now among all the good things now in my life. My new family...we have all been through alot.

As soon as Arrow has been through something major its not long until he is off again helping someone else.

I want to be like him. To try help people like he does.

I'll always be proud to call Arrow my dad and Colin. They are the best thing that happened to me. Regardless of the troubles we all have faced. Arrow had been my light in the darkness.

I wish he was here now...I'm scared. I'm worried what comes next.

"Did you hear me?"

"I heard you. What exactly do you want?" I bite back at him.

"I'll watch your mouth. I'm actually trying to be nice but don't push it. You might be pretty but I've seen prettier," he sneers at me.

"And I've seen alot tougher and stronger men then you but hey not everyone can always have everything going for us. Now if you know what is good for you...step away from my sister!" Zane shouts intensly.

I smile...I'm not alone. Even if Arrow isn't here. Even if Colin isn't here our dad' as siblings have each others back because of our dad's bringing us together.

"Yeah. You thought she was on her own. Defenceless even? One she could kick your ass on our own but what brothers would we be if we did that," says Tyler who is somehow beside me.

"Leave you for five minutes and you already found another crazy person," says Luca smiling at me who is next to Zane ready to support if need be.

"Yeah well...not my fault so many these days," I smile back at them. I'm so relieved...I really felt so scared what was about to happen.

Embrace Three (spin of from Acceptance and third in Embrace)Where stories live. Discover now