Fourteen // Luck.

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As sappy as it sounds one of my favourite things in the world was being able to wake up next to Genie, even now after all this time I still felt incredibly lucky to be able to have that privilege.

I still didn't know how I managed to get the the girl of my dreams to date me, let alone agree to marry me but luck must of been on my side cause that is exactly what I did.

Looking at her now I didn't understand why I freaked out when she told me she was pregnant. It had always been something I wanted, especially with Genie so I just don't get it. I guess it's an almost natural reaction on the male's half though, well at least that's what Ashton told me.

Us guys apparently worry that our lives are going to be over and we tend to freak out but honestly I didn't think that. The one thing I was worried about was that the baby would somehow wreck our relationship and that was only because that seemed to happen to some people, instead of bringing couples together sometimes a baby could tear you apart.

I was sure Genie and I would be perfectly fine and that our relationship would only get stronger but it was just a small insecurity in the back of my mind, I guess it just came to me being afraid that I was going to loose Genie.

I think I would always be worried about that.

"Your staring is starting to get creepy." Genie murmurs tiredly making me smile.

"Well look who is finally awake." I say. "And my staring is not creepy."

"I may be awake but I am in no way ready to get out of bed." Genie says in a matter of fact tone, opening her eyes and peeping at me.

"It's almost eleven." I point out and she shrugs. I suppose it didn't really matter what the time was though because we had already had a big morning.

We had gotten up around five this morning so we could take Bobby, Kristy and Tommy to the airport, it seemed like we were there forever but that was probably because it was an emotional goodbye for the Scott family. We got back home around seven and pretty much just went back to sleep.

"We do have The Clifford's house party in a couple of hours." Genie reminds me before letting out a yawn. "So we should probably get up soon anyway."

"The Clifford's." I snort. I still found it so weird that Michael was a married man, that was just so grown up.

"Don't be mean." Genie tells me and I have to roll my eyes. I was most definitely not being mean.

"I'm not being mean, It just sounds funny." I point out as Genie snuggles into me.

"Do you miss the apartment?" Genie asks after a couple minutes of silence between us.

"Of course." I smile. That was a great apartment, I think everyone had some good memories there.

"It was like our own little love nest." Genie giggles.

"I guess it was." I chuckle. "You know we should probably start looking at houses if we're moving back here."

"Yeah you're right." Genie hums. "We can't have much of a love nest here."

"Yeah staying with your parents is kind of a mood killer." I tell her. I wasn't a sex crazed guy or anything but I did miss her, I missed us.


"Can I just say that I still find it so weird that you have a pool at your house, I've known you for years and you barely even go swimming." I say to Michael in amusement.

"And he hates chlorine." Ashton adds looking just as amused.

"Well Aria loves swimming and I want her to have whatever she wants." Michael shrugs.

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