Important authors note!

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First of all, I am so sorry for the lack of updates. Life has been extremely busy and on top of that I've had the absolute worst writers block....I have the most random bursts of inspiration but whenever I get around to actually writing, nothing seems to sound right or I just pick everything apart and hate it. 

I'm trying my best to finish the next chapter but it's been super hard. If you have any tips on how to combat writers block than I welcome them! 

Now I have a question for you lovely readers! I'm always interested in what you as the readers want to see happen or what you think might happen so please let me know, What do you want or think will happen with the characters from this story?? (Includes everyone, not just galum.) 

Lastly, I may be seriously blocked when it comes to writing any of my current stories but I've recently started writing two new fics which I am super excited about. I'm not going to give away much yet but one is a luke fic and the other may be a Brad Simpson fic. I know most of my readers are 5sos fans but would you b interested in reading a Brad Simpson fic?? Let me know! 

Again, I'm sorry for the lack of updates. I am trying, I swear! I hope you are all doing well and life is going great and if it isn't, I promise it will get better. Love to you all xx 

The Baby Project. C.H. (A.U.)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن