Fifty // I Do (Calum)

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A/N: Apologies for such a long wait! My mum had to have emergency surgery six weeks ago and that kind of knocked me off my writing schedule, also I've had a few personal things going on and apart from not having anytime to write like I normally would, I didn't exactly feel like it either and there is nothing more frustrating then trying to force yourself to write. Life is a lot better now, my mum is back to normal and I although I am still adjusting to some things I am overall doing a lot better. Thank you all so much for being so patient with me and for not giving up on The Baby Project. 

I feel like I have the best readers in the world and I am so grateful for you all <3

Calum's P.O.V.

Today was the day.

The Twenty Fourth of June was the day that I would be marrying the woman of my dreams. Today would go down in history as the best day and night of my life and I couldn't wait for it to finally begin. The morning had been dragging on, the boys had been doing their best to keep me occupied and busy so it wouldn't seem like the day was going slowly but even though they were doing their best, all I could focus on was the fact that in just a few hours I would be getting married.

Every part of me just wanted to be at the venue already, I wanted to be standing at that altar, waiting for Genie to walk down it, to me so we could start our next journey together as husband and wife. Mr and Mrs Hood sure had a ring to it and it was still crazy to me that from this day on that's exactly what Genie and I would go by. 

"So where are you going for your honeymoon again?" Luke asks me, his eyes were solely focused on his phone that he was currently holding his hands, a small frown on his face as he was doing whatever it was on his phone. I assumed that he was talking to someone by the movement of his fingers against the screen. 

"New Zealand." I answer him. A smile finding it's way to my face almost instantly at the thought of Genie and I's honeymoon. We would be spending two weeks away in the awesome city that was Auckland. I couldn't wait for us to have some time to just relax, between the wedding planning and work, things had been hectic and I was looking forward to having some time to decompress. 

New Zealand had a special place in my heart and always would, I had family there and a collection of memories that would always mean so much to me, Being able to take Genie there on our honeymoon and make new memories with her would be beyond incredible and it was something I had been looking forward to for a very long time. I was so thankful that when I suggested New Zealand as our honeymoon destination that Genie was happy with it. I knew that she had never been to good old kiwi land and she would be excited for another one of our adventures, especially to a place that had such a sentimental meaning to me. 

"Are you going to catch up with any of your family while you're there?" Ashton asks looking genuinely interested. 

"I think we were planning on it but nothing is set in stone." I admit to him. Genie and I had not really made any concrete plans for our trip there just yet. We were basically just going to wing it and do our own exploring. 

"If they can drag themselves away from the bedroom for long enough I'm sure they will," Michael snorts before wiggling his eyebrows at me. 

"It's not all about sex Michael," Ashton scoffs as he fiddles with his tie. The boys had just begun to get dressed while I had decided to wait a few more minutes. The boys and I had all been giving multiple warnings by my mother that if we somehow manage to stain these suits before we leave then we would not be making it to the wedding and as much as hated to admit it, my mother could still scare me. 

"Maybe not Ashton, but sex is a big part of the honeymoon and it's a big part of Galum okay?" Michael replies in a matter of fact tone while Ashton rolls his eyes at his answer. 

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