Chap.14 || Near Death Experience

824 23 29

-Mention of kidnapping
-Attempt of murder
-Passing out
-Mention of Injuries

Grian POV

I felt like I was being watched. 

I saw a sign in front of one of my chests that said 'Boatem pole' 

Is there something at the Boatem pole?

I started walking towards the Boatem pole, the closer I got the more I really felt like I was being watched. 

I stood at the edge of the Boatem hole, there was a sign on the grindstone that said 'Farewell Grian'

Farewell me?

Then I heard some footsteps and a voice. 


I yelped as I felt a pair of strong arms push me into the Boatem hole. 

I was in a panic, then I remembered my wings, I started flapping them fast and soon enough I was flying on my own. I looked around for a safe place to land, my eyes landed on a small ledge big enough for me to land on.

I started to slowly make my way there, once I was close enough to land, I stopped flapping my wings and let myself drop onto the ledge. 

I heard a faint "Dang it!" coming from the surface.

I looked up and saw 2 figures, I couldn't see them but they left once realizing I was staring at them. 

I grit my teeth and fly back up to the surface, I look around in hopes of finding who pushed me down but no one was there. 

I opened the server controls and scrolled down, permadeath was still on...

Those 2 tried to kill me!

I heard a buzz come from my bracelet so I opened the chat. 

[GeminiTay] Grian? You there?

I completely forgot about the meeting. 

[Grian] I'm here! On my way back

I closed the chat and scanned the area one last time before flying back to Gem's 

Third Person POV 

"It didn't work!" A male brunette with a top hat yelled, clearly annoyed. "I told you it wouldn't." An orange-haired female sighed. 

"Why were you guys trying to kill him anyway? I thought we were supposed to kidnap him." Another brunette inquired, "It would be no fun if we just kidnap him!" The brunette complained. 

"You do know Xornoth is gonna kill us if we don't kidnap him right Scar?" The ginger said, "I know that Cleo! Me and Impulse just thought killing him was a great idea!" Evil Scar exclaimed, Evil Impulse looked offended. "Don't bring me into your problem, it was your idea to kill him." 

Cleo sat by a wall, "Let's just wait till everyone comes back and then we kidnap Grian." 

-With Grian- 

Grian flew to Gem's base in a rush, he could see it in the distance and flew right in. 

He had no time to just land and walk in so he flew in through Gem's balcony and crash-landed on the floor beside Jevin. Multiple yelps and gasps were heard when Grian crash-landed, Stress went over to check on him. 

"Oh my god, Grian!" Stress yelped, there was a bruise on the side of Grian's forehead which Stress immediately started healing. "What is going on? Why were you going so fast!?" 

X walked in wondering what the commotion was about, "Oh my- Grian!" X ran over to him and checked for any more bruises. "T-The Boatem hole." Grian managed to stutter through the pain. 

X tilted his head in confusion, "The Boatem hole?" 

"I was pushed into the Boatem hole."

Silence fell upon the hermits. 

"YOU WERE WHAT?!" A voice shouted, everyone snapped their heads towards the stairs where Gem and fWhip were standing.

"I was pushed into the Boatem hole." Grian repeated, "By who?" X asked, "I don't know, I saw 2 figures but I didn't see who they were." Grian replied, his bruise was now healed thanks to Stress.

"They tried to kill him!" Mumbo spoke up shocking everyone, "It's true, permadeath is still on." Grian chimed in, "I was lucky my wings saved me." He sighed. "You're okay right?" Gem asks worriedly, "I am, only had this bruise." the avian replied. "As long as you're okay." X pet his head. 

"Do you wanna join PVP practice or would you rather go back to Boatem?" Gem asked softly, "I think I'd rather go back." Grian said rubbing his head. "I'll come with him." Mumbo stood up, X nodded. "Alright everyone, follow me to the training area." Gem clapped her hands. 

Grian walked over to the railing of the balcony, "Stay safe Gri." X said before disappearing into the hallway. Grian jumped off the railing and spread his wings, he flew in the direction of Boatem. Mumbo hesitated but jumped off the balcony as well and followed Grian back to Boatem. 

The flight there was silent, very rare for both. 5 minutes later they arrived back at Boatem, they landed safely on the Boatem path and Grian started heading back to his base. "Where are you going?" Mumbo asked, "My base. I'm gonna do some building to get my mind off of things." Grian replied. 

Mumbo hesitated, "Is it alright if I help?" 

Grian thought for a while, "Sure." 

They both headed to the Midnight alley and started to work on one of the last buildings. 

It's been a while since they started building, Grian was finishing the interior of the build when he heard a thud. Curious, he went outside to see Mumbo passed out on the floor and 3 people surrounding him. 

One of them looked back and saw Grian, the brunette charged at him with his sword. Grian tried to dodge but the sword managed to graze his arm, he hissed from the pain and took out his own sword. He was about to attack when he realized who the people were. 

"Impulse? Scar? Cleo?" 

Evil Scar wasted no time and charged at him with his sword, Grian put his sword in front of him and their swords clashed with each other. Grian swung his sword at Evil Scar, he managed to graze his shoulder. 

Blood from their grazes was now dripping on the floor, Grian was about to attack when someone wrapped their hand around his arm and waist to keep him in place and placed a cloth above his nose and mouth. He tried to fight back but he was starting to get sleepy. 

He tried to keep his eyes open and fight back but whatever was in that cloth made him extremely sleepy. 

In the span of just a few seconds, he was passed out in Cleo's arms.

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