Chap.37 || Escape Plan

533 23 8

Short cause I have writers block :')

fWhip sat on the couch, waiting for Gem to come back up. He placed his admin bracelet on the coffee table so he can use both his hands freely. 

He saw a VC request from his other account and immediately accepted it, the screen went black before his friends appeared. He smiled, "Hey guys!" Everyone said hey back. "How are you guys doing?" He asked, He received many 'Good' and 'great's back which made him smile. 

"Wait one sec, Gem should be here soon." He announced, as he said that Gem came running into the room. "I-I'm here!" She panted. fWhip scooted over to make room for her before patting the area next to him telling her to sit. 

Gem went over and sat on the couch, she looked at the screen and saw every one of her friends there. "Oh my god." She gasped placing both hands over her mouth, everyone on the other line got worried. fWhip noticed and reassured them, "It's fine! She's just happy to see you all again." 

They all then told each other about the things that happened over the past few months, Gem was about to continue explaining about the huge fight when a rumble was heard. The ground shook hard and fWhip fell off the couch worrying his friends on the screen. 

The shaking stopped and they started floating, Gem floated off the couch while fWhip started floating beside her. The other emperors just watched worried, the floating soon stopped and they fell crashing to the ground. 

The twins both fell on the couch with an 'oof'. Katherine was about to ask what all that was when a scream was heard, a worried Scott appeared in the hallway screaming "Gem! We need you here!" 

"Coming!" Gem yelled before glancing back at her friends, "Sorry I have to go, I'll chat with you guys next time!" She said before taking off towards a room. fWhip was left there speechless, "Yeah um, you're probably wondering why we were floating." He laughed scratching the back of his neck. 

"Yeah we don't know why that happened, Xisuma said it was a corrupted code or something." fWhip explained, "And you probably also heard a scream, well that was probably Grian." He added.

"Wait! That voice calling Gem, was that Scott?" Jimmy asks with hope in his eyes, "Yup, I'll call him over." fWhip chuckled, he quickly muted and called Scott over. A faint "One sec!" was heard as fWhip turned back to the screen. 

He unmuted, "He's on his way." he said making Jimmy grin like a kid. fWhip then continued the story where Gem left off, he was getting to the part where Gem and Scott were about to capture Xornoth when he heard footsteps coming from the hallway. "Oh, Scott's here!" 

Scott appeared from the hallway and smiled, "You called?" 

fWhip nudged his head towards the screen and Scott immediately understood, he grinned and rushed over to where fWhip was. He poked his head into the screen and smiled, "Hi everyone!" 

Everyone was relieved to see him well, that was until he sat down beside fWhip and waved. Everyone clearly noticed the bandaid on his cheek and bandages on his arm, "What's wrong with your cheek and arm Scott!?" Jimmy asks worriedly, "Oh it's fine! Just some things from that huge fight." 

Jimmy seemed concerned but nodded, Scott then started explaining random things that fWhip wasn't listening to. fWhip had himself focused at the entrance of the mansion, he could have sworn he saw a figure there. 

"I'm gonna go check something out, stay here." he whispered in Scott's ear, Scott gave him a confused glance and nodded. fWhip stood up and walked down the stairs towards the entrance, he peeked his head outside and saw no other than Xisuma stood near a wall. 

He was panickly checking what looks to be the server's code, fWhip concernly walks over to him and tapped his shoulder. "X? You good?" He asks, voice laced with concern. Xisuma jumped as he felt the tap, he looked back and sighed. "Oh, thank void it was you." 

"What's up? You left really early and I know nobody is awake at that time." fWhip stated, "I need an explanation. Now." he added. 

"Well...." Xisuma started, "IwenttomybrotherattheevilempireandhetoldmethatXornothsmakingthemooncrashontotheserverandwe'reprobabablydoomed." He rambled. 

"Slow down man! I didn't understand a word you said!" 

Xisuma sighed, "I went to my brother at the evil empire and he told me that Xornoths making the moon crash onto the server and we're probably doomed." he said much slower this time. 


"It's gonna crash onto the server." 



"Well we need to do something now or else we'll all be dead." 

"I mean I have an idea." 

"And that is?" 

"We need to make the official Hermitcraft Escape Plan." 

"I'm in!" 

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