Chap.22 || Preparations

618 21 14

-Hair pulling

A brunette sat inside a cage, staring at its Blackstone roof. 

He had no idea how long it had been, but it was definitely long. 

"Iskall! Iskall!" A dirty blonde whispered, getting the man's attention.

Iskall turned around and looked down at Grian, "What?" 

"There's this ledge above me, can you see what's on top of it?" 

Iskall was a bit confused, why would Grian want to know what was up there? He looked around the top of the ledge anyways. There were 2 seats, they looked like thrones, one was bigger than the other. 

Right beside one of the thrones, was a little glass box. 

Iskall zoomed in with his robotic eye and stared at what was in the box, he gasped. 

"What is it?" Grian asked. 

"I think it's your admin bracelet!" 

"Yes!" Grian whispered to himself. 

"I can't grab it though, it's way too far." Iskall frowned, "It's fine, we'll get it one way or another." 

"Yeah, maybe once we're out we could climb on these red tentacle things and get it." Iskall said pointing at one of the huge tentacles. The cave was very spacious, it looked around 30 or 40 blocks high and probably around 100 blocks wide. 

Suddenly, the sound of a door opening filled the room. 

It was Evil Impulse. 

"My my my, have our 2 guests found something they're not supposed to find?" He walked towards Grian, Grian stood still knowing that whatever he did wasn't gonna work. 

Evil Impulse grabbed a chunk of Grian's hair and pulled it making Grian stand on his knees, Grian quietly groaned as his hair was pulled. 

"You think you and your little brain can get you out of here? Hah! No way!" Evil Impulse laughed. 

"And you should know how to keep your mouth shut." Evil Impulse growled into Grian's ear. 

He let go of Grian's hair and kicked him in the stomach, the avian coughed up blood making Iskall look away. Grian coughed up more blood earning another kick to the stomach. 

Evil Impulse just stared at him, a pleased smirk plastered on his face. Evil Impulse placed a finger under Grian's chin and pushed it up so that Grian was staring at him. "Keep your mouth shut or else your little friend here dies." 

Iskall went silent as Grian's eyes widened, he kept his mouth shut and nodded. Evil Impulse let out a hum before leaving the room.

Iskall turned around and placed both hands on the iron bars of the cage, his eyes filled with sympathy. 

"I'm really sorry for that." Iskall apologized. 

Grian looked up and weakly smiled. 

"It's fine, it was my fault anyways." 

Iskall sighed and laid against the cold iron bars. 

He needed to get himself and Grian out of here. 

But how?...

Gem's POV 

Me and fWhip were standing in the middle of my library, trying to figure out Iskall's location. fWhip scrolled through the many names of hermits before stopping and pressing Iskall's name. 

'Iskall85 | Location: Unknown' 

I sighed before staring at the jar I was holding, the crystal inside was still white meaning Iskall was still alive. 

I looked back and stared at another jar, inside was another crystal. It was flickering white and dark red, I immediately ran to it and switched it with the jar I was holding. 

"Who's crystal is that?" fWhip asked noticing that I wasn't by his side. 

"Grian's." I answered.

"Is that bad?" He asked, I nodded. "If it's flickering red that means he's hurt, but if it's a dark red that means he's hurt badly." 

"Oh, I'll try to find him." fWhip said before turning his attention back to his admin panel, he scrolled through the names before finding Grian's and pressed his name. 

'Grian | Location: Unknown'

fWhip hummed before closing the tab he was in and clicked on another button that opened another tab. 

I sighed before putting my attention back to the flickering crystal, it keeps on flickering every day but I don't know how. I was about to ask fWhip was he was doing when 2 people burst through the door. 

It was Etho and Scott. 

"Gem!" Etho yelled. 

"Scott found Xornoth's base!" 

Me and fWhip went silent. 

"WAIT WHAT?!-" fWhip yelled, his admin panel disappearing into thin air. 

"Scott found Xornoth's base!" Etho repeated, me and fWhip looked at each other before looking at Scott. 

Scott scratched the back of his head, "Yeah um, I also bumped into Xornoth." He chuckled. 

"He encouraged me to attack for some reason and told me something about a time limit." He added, "fWhip, call a meeting, and get the training room ready." I ordered. 

fWhip nodded and summoned his admin panel, "Scott, sit down here. Etho, go help fWhip set up the training room." Etho nodded and followed fWhip out. 

Me and Scott sat down, "What do you mean by encouraging you to attack?" I ask, "I don't know, he just wants us to attack." "You also said something about a time limit? What was that?" "He said that we should attack unless we want someone dead." 

My heart dropped. 

Does that mean if we don't attack he'll kill someone?

But why would he even want us to attack!?

We can't risk losing someone, we need everyone on the team. 

"We have to attack as soon as possible." I stated, "Everyone will stay here for the night and prepare, then we head to Xornoth's base at morning." 

Scott nodded, "We could stay at Etho and Iskall's to collect more material's and then we can head there." 

I heard a lot of buzzes coming from our communicators, seems like everyone is heading here now. 

It's time for the fight preparations. 

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