Chap.39 || Magic Spell

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-Mentions of passing out

The emperors were in the sandy desert of Pixandria, they had all finished the recent call with fWhip, Scott, and Gem, and they were getting ready to go back to their bases. 

"Lizzie! You have an empire to run so please get out of Pix's fountain!" Jimmy yelled trying to drag his sister out of Pix's fountain. "But it's so hot out here." Lizzie whined, "How are you not hot? We're both fish in a fricking desert!" She added. 

"I've been cooling down in a river instead of a fountain! Now get out here or else I'll cast a spell to make all the water you need disappear!" Jimmy ordered, Lizzie gasped dramatically while jimmy smirked. "Fine." she groaned as she climbed out of the fountain.

Everyone else sighed in the background as they watched the 2 siblings fight.

"Actually, that reminds me of something." Shubble spoke up, everyone turned to her curiously. "Gem is a wizard meaning she can do spells right? Since fWhip and the others are trapped in Hermitcraft, what if we try to cast a spell to get them out?" 

"That's actually a good idea." Katherine spoke, "But how are we gonna cast the spell? We don't have a staff." she added, Pix thought for a moment. "That's true, but maybe we can try to find a spell and show it to Gem so she can do it?" 

"That could work! We can find some spell books in the Crystal Cliffs!" Lizzie exclaimed, Pix smiled. "Alright then, to the Crystal Cliffs we go!" 

The emperors put their elytra on and headed towards the Crystal Cliffs. Upon arriving there, they immediately flew towards the tall Wizard Tower on top of the mountain. Everyone entered the Wizard Tower and split up to check all the books in the many different rooms. 

Katherine checked around Gem's bedroom, looking through the bookshelf Gem had in the corner of her room. She grabbed a book and flipped through the pages, "Nope, not this one." Katherine sighed to herself. She set the book back on the bookshelf and went to grab another book when she spotted a book sitting on Gem's bed. 

She curiously stared at the book, it seemed like Gem's Grimoire. 'Grimoires usually have magic spells in them. Wouldn't hurt to check right?' Katherine thought to herself as she made her way to the bed. She picked up the book and carefully opened it, and she was wrong.

Inside the Grimoire was more of a journal and a bunch of Gem's notes, nothing about spells. Katherine was about to close the book when a certain note caught her eye. 

I and Scott found a secret library hidden in the mountains, together we figured out that Scott and Xornoth are brothers. The library also had many books on magic spells, I should go learn those spells but that's for another time.

Coordinates: *** ** *** 


Katherine smiled to herself, maybe if she and everyone else went to the library, she could find a spell that could work! 

She rushed out of the room to inform the others, "GUYS! I FOUND GEM'S GRIMOIRE!" She yelled entering the living room, some loud footsteps were heard and everyone came running into the room. Joel and Lizzie ran in from the kitchen, Shubble ran in from the guest bedroom,  and Pix and Jimmy came running down the stairs. 

Everyone approached Katherine and crowded around her asking questions, "Everyone chill out! Here in the book, it says that there's a secret library on the server, if we can find the library then maybe we could find a spell!" Katherine explained, "That's great! Where's the library?" Pix asked, "The coordinates are right here so we can follow them." Katherine said pointing to the coordinates in the book. 

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