6. Determined & Dance

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As Taehyung made his way, a subtle yet undeniable nervousness painted across his face, like soft brushstrokes of uncertainty and anticipation.

Deep within him, a peculiarly sweet nervousness fluttered in his stomach, setting loose a delicate swarm of butterflies.

As he mustered the courage to approach Jungkook, his heart seemed to echo with each step, as if a gentle melody of vulnerability played within.

The mere thought of talking to Jungkook made him feel weak in the knees, a delightful shake of emotion coursing through his veins.

With each step, Taehyung embraced the exhilarating vulnerability that came with expressing his emotions.

And as he stood before Jungkook, his voice emerged like a gentle melody, carried by the winds of his emotions.


Jungkook heard a voice from behind. He turned around to find a boy around the age of 11 or 12.

And yes, you guessed right.

It was Taehyung and it would be a lie if I said, Jungkook didn't feel anything. He felt that weird feeling again.

But he thought 'It cant be a kid?' So looked here and there but again found no one. He turn again to face Taehyung.

A smile formed on Jungkook's lips. Taehyung was so cute. He just wanted put him in his pocket. He could clearly tell that, the kid standing in front of him was nervous.

Taehyung's tongue instinctively moistened his lips, as if seeking comfort in the familiar act, while his gaze remained fixated on Jungkook.

He bite his lower lip, as his nervousness found solace in a gentle bite, an attempt to calm himself and regain control on his emotions.

The way he was licking his lips - aww he was so cute and adorable. Jungkook couldn't help but coo out loud.

The boy was so cute and he wanted to pinch his checks. Maybe kidnap him and hide him from everyone.

"Yes. How may I help you" Jungkook's tone was so soft and sweet when he said that. Which relaxed Taehyung's raging heart.

"Jungkook-shii I....I.....I _wanted.....I want say-y s-something" He stuttered so badly that he wanted to dig his own grave due to embarrassment.

Jungkook just Chuckled at boy's nervousness and Taehyung wanted to bury himself alive and Jimin, well he just slammed his face on the table. He had literally given Taehyung just one work.

"Relax, baby. I don't bite, you know". Jungkook tried to lift up the aura, hoping it would help Taehyung to relax a bit.

"This is for y-you" Taehyung handed over the flowers to Jungkook, who happily accepted. As Jungkook delicately took the flowers Taehyung had given him, a serene aura enveloped him, and time seemed to slow down for a brief moment.

With a tender touch, he brought the blossoms closer to his face, their fragrance wafting like a sweet melody that charmed his senses.

A mesmerizing smile graced his lips, radiant like the morning sun, as his entire face seemed to light up with an ethereal glow.

Inhaling the delicate fragrance, Jungkook found solace in the tender gesture, as if the petals whispered secrets of affection only meant for him.

The sensation of the flowers against his skin was like a gentle caress, stirring feelings that transcended the ordinary.

Jungkook's enchanting smile spoke volumes, a language of its own, expressing gratitude and admiration beyond words.

His entire being seemed to emanate a sense of serenity, as if he had momentarily stepped into a realm where only joy and beauty resided.

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