16. Angry Jungkook

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Do you know the feeling of remorse?

It's a feeling of sadness because you have done something wrong. There are different kinds of remorse. One is when you want your loved one to be happy always and you do everything within your limit to make them happy.

You don't want a single frown on their face. If they are not smiling then it hurts you so bad. You will fight the world to bring that smile back.

And if that smile disappears because of you, then it's the worst feeling. You become sad. Your all fears and insecurities just pop out and that feeling always came with the worst scenarios.

That's what exactly Taehyung is feeling. His heart just dropped in his stomach.

He doesn't know what happened. Why Jungkook's smile disappeared suddenly? Is he is the reason? But he remembers he didn't did anything.

He is looking good too cause alas, don't question Jimin's choice. Never. But then why?

He gulp his nervousness when Jungkook came step by step closer. Jungkook's face was blank and his eyes were staring straight into his soul.

He won't lie, it was intimidating.

This was making Taehyung more nervous. His palms were getting sweaty and he rubbed his hands on his jacket.

He looked down to avoid those strong eyes of Jungkook, which were asking many questions without wording them. Don't ask him why he thinks that. Because sometimes words are not needed.

You know, when you know someone from the depth of your heart and just by looking at them, you know what's wrong with them. It's a strong feeling. Actually to strong, that not everyone can feel it.  It's a kind of love, that a mother does to her child. A true lover does with his dear one. It means too pure and rare. 

I'm happy to tell you that, this is something Taehyung does with Jungkook. Something he feels for Jungkook. His love for Jungkook is pure and rare. A rare love, which happens once in years. 

But back to the story. When Taehyung looks down, a smile made her way to Jungkook's lips. Taehyung was looking too cute from his face in those dominating clothes. But Jungkook immediately wipes it off when Taehyung again looks up at him. 

Jungkook puts on a blank face and looks straight. Not knowing, what his action of acting is doing to that poor soul's heart. Well it's so fun for him. Looking at Taehyung all worked up face was worth it.

Yes, acting. Last night Jungkook made a decision remember? 

He decided to let Taehyung enter his life. Yes, he decided to give Taehyung a chance. For now maybe just as a friend but it's still a start. And remember when someone said, a start of a beautiful relationship is always based on a deep friendship. If someone can't be your friend first, then the first step of your relationship is very fragile.

Jungkook has taken the step first unknowingly. Which surely gonna lead them to a beautiful journey. 

In meanwhile, Jungkook closes the distance between them and now he is standing in front of Taehyung, who is looking everywhere but at him. Jungkook was trying his best to control his laughter because of that.

"I never thought, you will do this to me" He said in a deep cold tone, which gave shivers to Taehyung. Taehyung can feel his goosebumps. Well alas, Jungkook's deep voice is not a joke.

That one line from Jungkook, shocked Taehyung. Now what he did? He let his mind go back in time. Just to see if even by mistake he offended his koo.

Jungkook sware, he can see those gears turning in Taehyung's mind. He is enjoying it too much now. That's why he decides to extend his prank a little more.

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