42. Truth

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Two months later...

The night was calm, and the moonlight illuminated the surroundings, making everything visible for human eyes in the shadow of darkness.

Jungkook felt happy. He had been the happiest in recent days.

The ring shining on his ring finger due to the moonlight was one of the reason and other reason was beside him, leaning his head on Jungkook's shoulder.

They were at the top of Diamond Tower, enjoying the perfect view of entire Busan.

If they had come here after sneaking away from their own cocktail party, then it's none of our business.

They were not going to see each other for a week now, anyways.

Because Yuna believed in this old ritual where yet-to-be married couples shouldn't see each other before one week of their marriage.

Lamest ritual if you ask Taehyung, but he could just sulk because Jungkook agreed.

"Koo~~" he whined.

Jungkook rolled his eyes but smiled, nonetheless. Taehyung was whining for a while now.

"Tae, it's okay. It's just a week," he tried to make other understand but again his attempt went in vain when other said, "Exactly! It's one whole week, seven days, 168 hours, 10,080 minutes!! How am I going to survive??"

Jungkook looked at him in disbelief.

"Did you count it all?"

Taehyung blinked and shook his head with a small pout adoring his lips, "No. I'm not good at math. But the internet said so and I trust it!"

Jungkook opened his mouth to say something but shut it back. He didn't know what to say. Was living without meeting him was that difficult?

Maybe for Taehyung, it was.

Jungkook still remembers each and every second of his birthday night. When Taehyung poured his heart out. He remembers how his heart was beating inside his ribs like it would come out any second when he saw Taehyung kneeling in front of him.

And when Taehyung started speaking, he felt his breath hitch. Being a writer, he had written many proposals, but nothing matched the level of purity and sincerity Taehyung held.

Taehyung's eyes were speaking more that night. Love and adoration for him were sparkling in them. He remembers how his stomach kept twisting in funny sensation. He felt a rush of emotions all over his body.

He had dreamed about that situation, but he never thought it would come true in that way, on his birthday, that too in front of most important people in his life.

He felt overwhelmed, loved. And when he saw tears in Taehyung's eyes as he waited for his answer, he couldn't help himself and dropped on his knees to match Taehyung's level and pulled him into a messy kiss.

He chanted a series of 'yes' against Taehyung's lips and the way everyone cheered, and Taehyung cried... he knew he had made the best decision of his life.

They cried in each other's arms, and no one stopped them because everyone knew, they were tears of joy.

But now, sitting beside Taehyung and seeing him react this way, Jungkook wanted to tease him.

"You are saying like you had never spent a day without seeing me. Then how did you spend your life till now before meeting me, huh? Were you, my stalker?" he wiggled his eyebrows.

On the other hand, Taehyung frowned.

As much as he remembered, it was true. Should he tell Jungkook that?

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