27. Mentally Mature

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Silence is of two types - peaceful and terrifying. Peaceful silence is where you enjoy your own company and a place where you are seating with a person with whom your vibes match and even if you are not talking, it's still peaceful.

But on the same hand, when you are seating with your best friends and there is the silence after you told them about something serious....... trust me it's terrifying.

Because you don't know their reaction. And that's something exactly Taehyung is feeling right now.

Taehyung just finished telling Jimin about his last night with Jungkook.

"ARE YOU FOR REAL!?" A high-pitched voice echoed in Taehyung's cabin. They are in Taehyung's office.

Now you wonder, how they ended up here? Let me tell you. When Jungkook left in the morning, Taehyung too got ready for his office. When he was leaving for office, he encountered Jimin and Grandma on his way.

Taehyung wanted to tell Jimin everything as soon as possible and he have no patience to wait till evening. So he lifted Jimin in his arm and told Grandmaa "I'm taking him with me Grandmaa! Bye, see you later" Grandma just waved her hand and didn't give two minds to them.

On the other hand, poor Jimin was dumbfounded. He was hanging in Taehyung's one arm facing the ground. Taehyung was holding him by his waist.

And he carried him that way till the bus stop. And you can guess how a volcano named Jimin, burst out after Taehyung put him down.

Okay back to the present — Taehyung told Jimin about Jungkook's night stay at his home.

"Yeah, don't shout you dwarf!! I'm too young to become deaf" Taehyung rubbed his ears. Poor them, always suffer from high pitch Jimin.

"Ohh shut up you monkey face alien. I just left you for one night and you decided to change the world upside down. Now give me details, each and every word. Don't you dare to miss a single movement of yours. I waited my life for this moment" He whipped his non-existing tears while sniffling.

"You are 13 Jimin. Your life practically doesn't even started yet" Jimin smacked his head.

"I'm not the only one who is 13. You are too, you idiot!!" Well, Taehyung gulped. How he is supposed to tell Jimin that he is everything but a kid now? So he let it pass.

Otherwise, Jimin will be sad because Taehyung grew up without him. One of the top 10 betrayals for Jimin.

"So yeah, when Koo came yesterday. I wore a cute onesie and —" Taehyung was cut by Jimin "DON'T TELL ME YOU WEAR THAT!!"

"Oh I did and it made Koo happy then I don't care about anything else" Taehyung shrugged it off. Jungkook's happiness is the only thing that matters to him. No matter how silly he has to behave for it.

"Okay, lover boy. Then what happened?" Jimin is also a person without patience. He wants to know more and more.

Taehyung chuckled at his best friend's excitement. He started telling Jimin how he welcomed Jungkook, how Jungkook was awestruck after seeing the interior of the living room, how he blindfold Jungkook and carry him upstairs to show him his video game--

"And lastly.... umm... how to tell you.... yeah when Koo become overwhelmed, he hugged me tight. Trust me Jimin, I was shocked! My Koo was hugging me and I was gone to heaven. It feels like heaven. His embrace feels like heaven. It was like, I'm at a safe place and nothing can hurt me and then..... We kinda k-kissed" He whispered the last part.

He doesn't know how to tell Jimin. Everything feels different when it comes to sharing intimate details with him.

Taehyung is not a small boy anymore. The day he became older, everything changed with his existence.

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