21. Letting out

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Double Update...?

HELL YES!! Enjoy my hoomans\( °□° )/


Minwoo didn't even get a chance to register what was happening. One moment Jungkook was tickling him and now he is in the air.

When he took a sharp cut to save that dog, their car collided with bridge parapet. Half of their car is hanging in the air on the bridge and the back side of car is stuck at the parapet.

Yoojin's head collided with the dashboard with a forceful impact, which made her lose consciousness little by little because of the amount of blood she was losing.

Seeing her drifting into unconsciousness, Jungkook panicked because Yoojin has fewer blood platelets, which made her body lose blood a lot and high blood loss is dangerous for her.

Fear of losing her was evident in his eyes. He tried to move but his seat belt is stuck. He raised his hands to reach her and that's when he saw, his left hand is laying there limp.

His left hand was broken because of the sudden push his body faced and collided with the gate.

"M-aaaa!!" he cried out.

He was struggling to somehow escape from that tight seat belt and reach his maa. His broken hand and the pain he was feeling was long forgotten.

The only thing he saw and mattered is, his maa.

"MAA" he screamed, hoping his maa will come to him like she always does when he is even in a little pain.

He needs her. He was struggling, crying and screaming.

Then he hears the sound of whimpers from outside. He with his eyes full of fear and tears, dared to look in the direction of those whimpers.

What he saw, made his eyes wide open. His body became numb.

There was Minwoo, in the air, holding his car's door to not lose his grip and fall into the water. His body was hanging there, his hands were red because of the blood which was coming out, which was making his grip light on the door.

He had a cut on his head and his head was bleeding too. Jungkook didn't felt this helpless ever.

"P...Pa...Pa" He tried to voice out, alert anyone who is passing by but his voice doesn't come out.

The worst fear is.... fear of losing your parents. The worst nightmare. Which was coming true in front of his eyes. And he was helpless.

"PAPA!!!" He screamed. Which gains Minwoo's attention too. The scariest thing for Jungkook was, Minwoo don't know how to swim. If he slips then, he will fall directly into the deep water.

"PAPA!!! PAPA!!! SOMEONE PLEASE HELP" He started screaming, tears of frustration started falling from his eyes.

"MAA MAA!! Maa please wake up, please maa wake up. Maa..... Maa..... Maa...." He was wailing, calling his maa in desperate need.

He wishes, it was a bad dream. He wish he will wake up and his maa and papa will embrace him in their warmth.

"Papa please hold tight!! I will do something papa" Minwoo look at him, his eyes were filled up with tears too seeing his son like that. He never let a single tear come into his son's eye and here he was today. He was helpless.

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