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You will meet who you are designated to meet verily, come what may.

Ibrahim M. Ibrahim


Khaldun and Lina got divorced after his first court trial.

She didn't attend the trial, as she's promised him. Her family were there tho, and his. After the trial, the judge announced the next court sitting would be eight days later and the verdict would be passed, then.

Khaldun spoke with his father and Lina's the day before the trial; the day they sealed their fate. Unsurprising to him, they both weren't in support of the divorce, claiming they'd have to wait for the verdict first before deciding on their marriage. But the couple had already made their mind and were keen.

But apparently, Khaldun was surprised how Lina easily gave in to his offer. He thought, like everyone else, she'd be against it. He knew how unpredictable she could be, but he'd never thought she'll give in easily. He knew her regards on their marital life, he knew how she was battling for them to be stable together. Giving up was the last thing he thought she'd agree to. But she only smiled and whispered, 'Another forever awaits us, after this.' and she left. That was the last time he saw her.

When their parents approached her with the case, she willingly affirmed to them and begged they get the papers ready before his trial, so he could sign afterwards.

Defeatedly, they did as the couple wished. After the trial, Khaldun signed the papers and Malik brought home the papers with the lawyer, for Lina to sign as well.

All throughout the process, she was nonchalant. The whole divorce thing hasn't sank in her yet, she was still overwhelmed by Khaldun's case. Believing what he's guilty of was still a hard thing for her to process. What he told her about his mother too. How has she never knew of this? Why did his father kept his mother's story a secret? What was the story behind her death? Why was Wafa also silent about it?

That was all she was thinking about.

What if Raghad is still alive, they just didn't know? How didn't Khaldun know about his maternal family then? Where are they? Who are they? Why none of them looked for him as well? She had so many questions that she knew even Khaldun had no answers for. But she badly needed to know. She can't confront his father with it either, or Wafa. There was no one to talk to about it. She can't visit Khaldun too, she won't be able to holdup this time around.

It was after the lawyer left and she was alone, with her thoughts, did it rang in her she's no longer Khaldun's spouse. They're divorced. There was no longer an 'us' or 'we' between them, just 'you and I.' No more fights, no more misunderstandings. No more therapy session for both of them. There was absolutely nothing that connects them anymore. They're now a separate entity.

It was until then that she understood how grave her decision was. She cried her father's name and he came in less than a minute, disturbed. But she couldn't explain herself out, she only hugged him crying her heart out, whispering 'I'm not ready for this.'

But it was late. It was already late, albeit everyone knew she was not ready for that, she wouldn't be ready for that, but they couldn't force her out of her will. And it was only now that it got to her what her decision really meant.

She felt as if she was suddenly deprived the right to live. For, what would living be like onwards without Khaldun? How would life treat her now? How would she balance everything? How would she cope to being back home now?

They might have not made that much memories together for them to be coming back to her, haunting her, but God knows living with Khaldun redefined her in many ways she never though it would. It made her more matured psychologically and emotionally. In a way, he played a role in getting her more closer to her Creator spiritually. He gave her a reason to be alive; to be there for him through his ups and downs.

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