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I want to sing like the birds sing, not worrying about who hears or what they think

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I want to sing like the birds sing, not worrying about who hears or what they think.



It's been nine days and Lina has fully recovered and was already back to work. It was her first day back at work after the two weeks leave she took and coincidentally it is the day of their first round presentation. She is in their office and Radhiya and Sophia are beside her, giggling and chirpily chanting on only God knows what. Her mind was drifting back to her previous days.

Suri's presence in the house did actually helped her alot. Not only with the house chores but she helped her whenever she felt lonely. Well, precisely, they helped each other.

In sync with her hopes, Suri and Khaldun were able to resolve the issue between them even tho' she has zero idea about what was wrong between them, she never budged to know. They were back to their normal self and just seeing them exchange pleasantries and smiles invited a lingering smile to her lips. It was an achievement and she yearn to see more achievements in the future.

And about Khaldun, she couldn't decipher whether it was because of Suri's presence in the house but his attitude towards her took a drastic drift and halted in care and fondness.

At first it felt surreal and unreal but with time, she came to terms with it. Occasionally and randomly, he'll try catching up a conversation with her either in the presence of Suri or not. He'll ask her about her health and many other supposed and silly matters. Like the other day, he asked her how she feels about being an artist. Well, to her that was absurd. As in, it was a talent and of course she's grateful for that.

Three days after he took them out for dinner. To say she was stunned was an understatement. She couldn't decipher whether what he was doing was to actually please his sister or his 'spouse' till he voiced out his thoughts, she became tongue-tied.

"Light, drinks and serenity cheers the heart, especially a sick one."

With that, he didn't utter another word till they were done. It was Suri that occasionally picks up a conversation but he didn't intervene. The joy she felt, as at then, was enough to heal her.

Everyday when he's at home, they usually catches up in a question session, they were getting to know each other well. But when he's at work, she always find herself missing a soft spot in her heart. She couldn't decipher whether she's becoming fond of him or even something more.

Suri's realisation didn't went unnoticed. Tho' she tried as much as she can to give them privacy, sometimes she can't resist herself from eavesdropping even if be it on three to four sentences. The other day when Khaldun was at work, she approached Lina with a wholehearted smile.

"If Mama will call me back home any moment from now, I'll go back without second choice or fear."

"What do you mean?" Lina have asked her, her brows knitting in slight confusion and amazement.

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