Chapter 36 | FAMILY LOVE

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Whatever lifts the corners of your mouth, trust that.



Ms Amrah folded her legs, stretched her hands and adjusted her sitting position. It has been long since she felt such feeling of comfort and stimulus. She'd yearn for it for so long that she has already lose count but couldn't get it. Not until today.

Today, her heart was as pure as it was forty-one years ago. She felt as if she's a newborn baby. Every feeling felt surreal, every tear felt joyful, every happiness felt awesome. Everything just felt unreal.

Today, she was able to witness a wholehearted laugh from her mother. She shed tears not out of anguish but out of happiness. Tears fell unto her laps not that she was trying to suppress them but actually she was wiping her anguish with them. She was happy!

The clad tidings of the previous night was one of an adoration that she yearn for the sunrise of the following day. Her happiness weren't such to be described, she was overwhelmed. When her eyes finally settled into those condensed olives, she smiled absent-minded in gratitude to Allah. Everything felt like a blessing. And when her lips moved in sync with her tongue in asking her how she was doing, she broke down in tears. The last she heard such was like a century ago. She couldn't believe it.

She's finally happy that everything has been settled between her and her mother. Even though she still feels shady when she's with her, she feels ashamed of herself but the least is that she has forgiven and forgotten all that had happened, blessed her and loved her more.

With the feeling of excitement at the pit of her stomach, she prays and hopes that all goes smoothly with her father, In Shaa Allah. But if not, she don't know when they'll ever be reconciled. But the least now is that her mother is on her side.

"Amrah you've been smiling, you haven't finish your breakfast and you know your father is coming down in no minute from now." She did wanted to enjoy her first breakfast in her parent's house after a long period of time but when she heard that he was about to come down, she dig into the food quickly.

"I'll be done in no time Ummy." She gave her a reassuring smile before she held her head low, eating from her plate.

And as just on instance, Sabir came down the last step on the staircase. What amazes Amrah was that, that scent of Oudh she used to yearn for years ago was still the same with the one she just inhaled now. It was totally the same. Years back, that scent got her go gaga with perfumes. She'll wouldn't mind to spend a whole day in front of the salesman in a shop just trying to figure out that perfume of her father even though he told her it's men's. But now, as soon as she inhaled it, she felt her intestines knotting. She felt her knees so loosed and her hopes vanishing in to thin air. She just dont know why.

He didn't utter a word, just a single glance at where she was sitting and just like he came, he was gone, as if he was a flash. A tear trickled down her chin but she quickly wiped it away. Her mother was happy and that too is a sign of blessing. If it had been before, he'll descend towards her with a broad smile while she will run to hug his torso close to her's, in care and adoration. And he will bellowed my princess. But now she didn't even know what to classify her self to him, a long gone princess.

Or a shadowy figure, of course!

She chew down the last bit of her food before she got down the chair. She was still having some little feelings here and there but her hopes are a little overpowering them. She just hope her mother is still with her. Without the presence of Ms Rayn, she wouldn't even have got her mother supported her. She was the reason behind that and Ms Amrah spent the whole night praying to that gentle old woman. She was indeed her local champion.

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