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Everything you've ever wanted is on the side of fear.

George Addair


It has been five days after Lina's interview and actually four days after Ommata's engagement. Lina have been quite worried since after the interview. Her system is always by her side as she keep hoping of receiving the offer.

To her utmost surprise she woke up and find one today from Vee Arts Collaboration but since after Subh prayer she has been debating her mind on opening it.

She have hope on the email but still she can't endure it when she gets to see she has been rejected. She tried calling Ommata but her calls keep going straight to voicemail.

Anything wrong?

A knock on the door startle her from her trance and she cleared her throat before she answered.

"Come in"

As usual Ms Amrah came inside with a worried face as she approach Lina.

"Why are you not yet out for breakfast?"

"Good morning Ms Amrah" Lina tried brushing away the question.

"Lina!" Ms Amrah stated looking stern and Lina look between Ms Amrah to the system.

"Anything wrong with your system?" She questioned her raising a brow.

"They sent an email" came her simple reply.

Ms Amrah reached for her system but Lina stopped her midway. "I don't want to be disappointed" she muttered.

"That's because you don't have hope my dear" she stated caressing her fingers. "In Shaa Allah Khayr" she added.

She gently open Lina's system as she browse through her email. She hopefully open it as she start reading it. From a bright face it turns


Very pale

Deathly pale!

"I told you not to open it. I have a slight feeling that everything won't just go okay. You insisted" Lina muttered with an intensive feeling of disappointment.

"My dear.." Ms Amrah called her name but she cut her off

"Shh Ms Amrah you don't have to. It's not your fault, it's all mine. Since from the beginning I never thought I could be rejected halfway. You don't have to worry or pity me, I'll just try and keep looking for one and In Shaa Allah I will succeed. Don't worry every man of power falls and raises" she finished with a huff.

"No my dear it's not like that.."

"Ms Amrah Wallahi don't worry your self about me. I'm totally Ok with it. I'll just talk to Abuya, he can help me find one In Shaa Allah"

"You're not talking to your father and he is not finding you any job! Clear?" She ordered and Lina returned her with a confusing look which could be best read as 'are you okay?'

"I'm okay Lina, get me?" she answered her look trying to calm herself "Why do you think you can't make it? Uhm? Answer me, why?"

She remained silent before shrugging her shoulders "I just don't know Ms Amrah. It's like I'm never successful in life"

"Don't say that Lina. Nobody is ever unsuccessful until he think he is one. You're never unsuccessful. It's just as simple as this; you don't trust yourself" Lina nods slightly "You see. That's the only thing that always keep intruding into your happiness. You don't trust yourself Lina. Why? Just because your loved ones turn their backs at you doesn't mean you won't find happiness again, you're not at the end of the road yet. Try to have confidence in yourself Lina and you have to be patient, don't forget that Allah swt said 'Surely, Allâh is with those who are As-Sâbirûn (the patient)'"

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